Friday, 29 April 2011


WATU wapatao 82 raia wa Somalia wamekamatwa jana mchana kwenye msitu wa moja ya vijiji vya Wilaya ya Gairo mkoani hapa wakiwa safarini kuelekea jijini Dar es salaam kutafuta maisha.

Akizungumza na mtandao huu kwenye kituo kikuu cha  polisi mkoani hapa, askari mmoja wa kikosi cha kutuliza ghasia wilayani Gairo maarufu kwa jina la 'voda fasta'alisema Wasomali hao walikamatwa baada ya polisi kupokea taarifa kutoka kwa raia wema.

"Tumepokea taarifa kutoka kwa raia wema wakitujuza kuwa kuna kundi la wasomali wanakata mbuga katika misitu ya Vijiji vya Gairo hivyo baada ya kuwafuatilia tumewakamata na kuwaleta hapa mkoani," alisema afande huyo aliyekataa kutaja jina lake kwa kuwa sio msemaji mkuu wa jeshi la polisi.

Mwandishi wetu aliwashuhudia Wasomali hao wakishushwa kwenye roli huku wakiwa na matope hali inayoonesha kuwa huenda wana muda mrefu hawajaoga kutokana na kutembea kwa muda mrefu


duh wapeni mapepa ya ukimbizi tu hawa jamaa yaonekana wamechoka mbaya


heritier watanabe

chalz baba

sijapata video ya chalz baba akiimba lakini sikia twanga live hii
kisha msikilize heritier hapa live

siwezi sema nani zaidi ntaonekana kituko,ila katika wanamuziki ninaowafananisha basi ni hawa wawili,nishamuona chalz baba akiimba na heritier pia
,jinsi wanavyoperfom kwenye stage,uimbaji na mbwembwe zote ingawa wote hawana mbwembwe sana stejini.sasa sijui nani anamuiga mwenzie.nahisi chalz baba anajaribu kufuata nyayo za huyu jamaa.
anajitahidi kwakweli kwa sisi wapenzi wa bolingo-rumba chalz baba anajitahidi sana na aendelee hivyo hivyo ingawa muziki wa dansi bongo hauendi mbali kwa sababu kama hizi kuigiza wanamuziki wacongo kuanzia beat,sound,kucheza na kila kitu.sio mbaya kwamba at least wanatufurahisha wapenzi wao kibongobongo.

wiki ijayo tutacheki ali choki na emilia kisha tutaona eboa lotin na jose mara




Thursday, 28 April 2011


two piece king fish sliced

king fish marinated with garlic ginger paste,salt and lemon

fry king fish one side

then another side till golden brown

on aside you have ready made tartar sauce which is (mayonaise,small pieces of green paprika,onion,and carrot)mixed
ready to eat

goin well with rice but if you recomend somethn else its your choice






Lady J.D akiwa na FREDDYNICE
fredynice na wazee wa kuchapa(sound of blackness)wanakwambia kesho ni fimbo tu msikose


The White House on Wednesday morning released the president's long form birth certificate (pdf) in an attempt to put "birther" questions to rest.
"The President believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn't good for the country. It may have been good politics and good T.V., but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country," White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said in a statement.
The president had released his certificate of live birth in 2008, but many "birthers" said the absence of a long form birth certificate prompted questions about Obama's birthplace of Hawaii. In recent weeks potential GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has brought birther questions into the forefront of the media.
"At a time of great consequence for this country--when we should be debating how we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices, and bring stability to the Middle East, Washington, DC, was once again distracted by a fake issue," Pfeiffer said. "The President's hope is that with this step, we can move on to debating the bigger issues that matter to the American people and the future of the country."
Obama admitted at a White House press conference following the document's release Wednesday morning that he's been both amused and puzzled by the degree to which his place of birth has become an issue.
The president echoed Pfeiffer's statements saying that Americans and their representatives need to come together to solve issues such as how to "invest in our future" while tackling the federal deficit and federal debt:
But we're not going to be able to do it if we are distracted. We're not going to be able to do it if we spend time vilifying each other. We're not going to be able to do it if we just make stuff up and pretend that facts are not facts. We're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers.
Though the president didn't mention Trump by name, Obama noted that when he announced his deficit plan this month, his birth certificate, not our country's economic future, dominated the news that week.
Trump on Wednesday took full credit for the release.
"I feel I've accomplished something really really important and I'm honored by it," Trump said at a press conference held during his pre-scheduled visit today to New Hampshire. Trump noted that people have long been requesting the document, but Trump was the only one who got the president to release it. Trump suggested Wednesday this development will boost his own potential presidential candidacy.
Trump said he and others are still going to have to assess the document's authenticity. We're "going to look at it. We have to see if it's real, if it's proper," Trump said. But he added that he's "sure it's the right deal" and is looking forward to moving on to more important issues such as OPEC and China.

Ivory Coast militia leader Ibrahim Coulibaly killed

Ibrahim Coulibaly (file image from 19 April 2011)

An Ivory Coast militia leader has been killed by forces of the country's new President Alassane Ouattara.
The leader of the so-called Invisible Commandos, Ibrahim Coulibaly, was killed in an offensive on Wednesday, a defence ministry spokesman said.
The Commandos had helped Mr Ouattara gain control of parts of Abidjan during a post-poll dispute.
But they had since fallen out and their respective forces clashed on Wednesday in the city, Ivory Coast's largest.
"I can confirm that Ibrahim Coulibaly was killed during fighting today," defence ministry spokesman Capt Alla Kouakou Leon told Reuters.
A comander of the defence ministry's fighters said they had found Mr Coulibaly's body when they seized his headquarters.
Order to disarm
Mr Coulibaly, who had said he wanted recognition for his role in overthrowing former President Laurent Gbagbo, had sought an audience with Mr Ouattara. But he refused a presidential order to disarm beforehand.
Government forces launched an offensive in Abidjan's northern Abobo district to dislodge Mr Coulibaly's forces.
Mr Kouakou added that two government troops and six fighters loyal to Mr Coulibaly men were also killed during the raid, which took place in a poor neighbourhood in the district.
His fighters had begun battling the troops of Mr Gbagbo in February, after they fired mortar shells and rockets into Abobo.
Mr Gbagbo was captured two weeks ago by pro-Ouattara forces after he refused to step down following his defeat in last November's presidential elections.
The former president and his wife Simone have been put under house arrest in separate towns in the north of the country.
Thousands are believed to have been killed and wounded during the recent crisis


Wednesday, 27 April 2011


KIUNGO wa zamani wa timu ya soka ya Yanga, Credo Duncan Mwaipopo (pichani kushoto), kwa sasa yupo jijini Dar es Salaam akisaka timu ya kujiunga nayo kwa ajili ya msimu ujao wa Ligi Kuu Tanzania Bara.
Akizungumza jijini Dar es Salaam hivi karibuni, Credo aliyekuwa akicheza soka ya kulipwa nchini Sweden alisema kuwa mkataba wake wa kucheza soka nchini humo umeshamalizika, hivyo yupo tayari kujiunga na timu yoyote itakayomhitaji.
“Nina miezi minne tangu nitue hapa nchini, nipo katika kusaka timu yoyote ya kuichezea hapa nchini na hadi sasa sijapata timu yoyote, hivyo nipo tayari kujiunga na timu yoyote itakayonihitaji,” alisema Credo.
Credo aliyeichezea Yanga kwa mafanikio miaka ya nyuma kabla ya kutimkia nchini Sweden, alieleza kuwa alishindwa kuendelea na klabu yake ya Pannelinois IF inayoshiriki ligi daraja la pili kutokana na majeruhi yaliyokuwa yakimwandama.
Alisema kuwa anaendelea na mazoezi katika viwanja mbalimbali jijini Dar es Salaam ili kujiweka katika mazingira mazuri ya kuonyesha uwezo wake endapo atapata timu itakayomsajili kwa msimu ujao wa ligi.
habari toka dina ismail blog


rais kikwete akipigiwa mizinga 21 na jeshi la wananchi

rais akikagua gwaride
rais kikwete akisalimiana na mama abed karume

rais kikwete na rais wa zanzibar dr shein wakisalimiana

hapo ni kama jk anasema
kikwete:"yakhe naona mambo yako mazuri siku hizi hatukaribishani"

shein:"aaah njaa tu mzee usione suti hizi"

Mafisadi CCM waandaa mamilioni kujisafisha

KUNDI la mafisadi wanaokabiliwa na hatihati ya kuvuliwa uongozi na pengine uanachama wa Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) wamebuni mbinu mpya
kujihami kwa kutumia haramu kwa kuandaa vijana kufanya maandamano kumpinga Rais Jakaya Kikwete na chama chake.

Kundi hilo linapinga vikali uamuzi wa CCM kupitia Halmashauri Kuu ya Taifa (NEC), kuwapa muda wa kujiengua wenyewe kabla ya kufukuzwa baada ya siku 90.

Habari za uhakika kutoka vyanzo vyetu vimeeleza kuwa kundi hilo limepitisha bajeti ya mamilioni ya fedha kwa ajili ya kuwandaa vijana kufanya maandamano kupinga uamuzi wa kuondolewa NEC na hata CCM kwa ujumla, mara tu baada ya kukabidhiwa barua muda wowote kuanzia wiki hii.

"Tayari wameapa kuwa wakiondolewa ni lazima Rais Kikwete naye aondoke kwa kuwa ndiye aliyepitisha maamuzi ya kuwafukuza, wanapanga vijana kwa kuwarubuni kwa fedha haramu ili waandamane mara tu watakapopewa barua.

"Wiki iliyopita walikutana wakapitisha zaidi ya milioni 500 kumshughulikia Bwana mkubwa (Rais Kikwete), wanataka kumchafua ili kummaliza nguvu kuwashughulikia," kilisema chanzo kingine.

Habari hizo zilieleza kuwa mbali na Rais Kikwete anayeelezwa na kundi hilo kukabiliwa na tuhuma na ufisadi, akiwa miongoni mwa watu 11 waliotangazwa na Katibu Mkuu wa CHADEMA, Dkt. Willibrod Slaa, na familia yake, akiwamo mwanawe Ridhiwan anayedaiwa kuwa mali kuliko kipato chake, pia kundi hilo linasaka kwa udi na uvumba majalada ya mawaziri wanne wa sasa kwa lengo la kuwaunganisha katika tuhuma za ufisadi,  kwa kinachoelezwa kuwa ni kampeni ya 'tuchafuke wote'.

"Kati ya fedha hizo sh. milioni 18 zitatumwa katika mikoa 20 kugawiwa vijana ili wafanye maandamano ya kupinga kuondolewa na kuwapakazia wengine wanaotaka waondoke nao kama njia ya kujitakasa.

"Fedha zinazobaki zinatumika kununua mafaili ya watu wengine kutafuta makosa yao ya aina yoyote akiwamo Waziri wa Afrika Mashariki, Bw. Sitta (Samwel) Prof. Mwandosya, (Mark), Dkt. Mwakyembe (Harrison) na Membe au Magufuli," kilisema chanzo chetu.

Ilielezwa kuwa kundi hilo limekuwa likifanya vikao katika maeneo maeneo mbalimbali kwa lengo la kutaka kujisafisha na ufisadi, au kupunguza makali kwa kutaja wengine.

"Mmoja wao amejiandaa kuzungumza na waandishi wa habari kuwapa nyaraka za uongo ili kuwachafua watu wengine, walengwa wakuu ni Rais na familia yake, mawaziri wanne na wengine wadogo," kilisema chanzo kingine.

"Usifikiri hatujui hayo, mbinu zote wanazofanya tunazijua, hatuwezi kupambana na wajinga, tunasubiri tuone mwisho wao, lakini hata ninyi waandishi lazima mjue kuwa Watanzania wanaosoma vitu mnavyoandika wanajua yote," alisema kigogo mmoja wa serikali bila kutoa ufafanuzi.

Mbinu nyingine iliyotajwa mara baada ya uamuzi wa NEC Dodoma ni kuwatumia viongozi wa vyama vya siasa kutoa tuhuma mpya ili ionekane kwamba wameonewa na kupoteza lengo la kuwaondoa.

Pamoja na kwamba hakutaja jina, Chama cha demokrasia na Maendeleo ndicho kimetaja watuhumiwa wapya wa ufisadi, huku Katibu Mkuu wake, Dkt. Slaa akipinga madai ya kutumiwa kufanya hivyo kwa nia ya kuwachafua.

Katika tuhuma hizo, alizungumzia uuzaji wa nyumba za serikali bila kufuata utaratibu zilizoelekezwa na Rais wa Awamu ya Tatu, Benjamin Mkapa na aliyekuwa waziri wake wa Ujenzi, Dkt. John Magufuli; Kuhusu fedha za EPA na mahali zilipo zile zilizorejeshwa akielekeza tuhuma hizo kwa Rais Kikwete na John Malecela na Philip Mangula waliodaiwa kuhusika katika wizi wa fedha za EPA, hasa zile zilizoingia katika kampeni ya CCM mwaka 2005.

Katika hatua nyingine kundi hilo la mafisadi wa linadaiwa kuwalenga baadhi ya viongozi wa dini kuwasafisha kwa kutangaza msimamo kuwa wameonewa na hakuna mtakatifu au wao wametolewa kafara.

Majira ilipomtafuta Katibu wa NEC Itikadi na Uenezi, Bw. Nape Nnauye kujua kama wana taarifa hizo alikiri na kuongeza kuwa haziwasumbui kwa kuwa mfa maji hakosi kutapatapa.

"Kwanza nilishasema nilipokuwa uwanja wa Manzese, niliwaambia wananchi kuwa mafisadi wamejipanga kumchafua Mwenyekiti wetu na familia yake.


Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Ajali ya boti yaua 38 Ziwa Kivu

Low cloud descends on Kashmiri boatmen as they row their boats during heavy rain at Dal Lake in Srinagar 01, April  2011.
embu tizama hiyo video kwenye link uone kwenye boti hiyo kama kuna usalama

Kivuko kimoja kimezama katika Ziwa Kivu mashariki mwa Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo, na kuua watu wasiopungua 38, kwa mujibu wa Shirika la Msalaba Mwekundu.
Inaaminika chombo hicho kilikabiliwa na upepo mkali na mawimbi baada ya kutoka Minova kikiwa njiani kwenda mji wa Bukavu siku ya Jumapili jioni.
Kikosi cha uokoaji cha Msalaba Mwekundu kimefanikiwa kuokoa watu 11 na abiria wengine 50 bado hawajapatikana.
Mashua ni usafiri unaotumika sana huko Kongo-Kinshasa, ambayo haina barabara za kutosha wala njia za reli lakini imejaliwa maziwa na mito.
Desire Yuma, rais wa Msalaba Mwekundu jimbo la Kivu Kusini, amesema jitihada za uokoaji zitaendelea mpaka Jumanne asubuhi.
Kwa mujibu wa Msalaba Mwekundu na mfanyakazi wa shirika moja la usafiri wa majini maeneo hayo, chombo kilichopata ajali ni cha wazi, kilichoundwa kwa mbao kikiwa na mota, na kilikuwa kimebeba mizigo na abiria takriban 100.
Mwandishi wa BBC, Thomas Hubert aliyeko katika mji mkuu Kinshasa, amesema janga hilo ni kielelezo kingine kuhusu usalama duni kwenye vyombo vya usafiri wa majini vinavyotumika katika mito na maziwa ya nchi hiyo.
Mara kwa mara serikali huwalaumu wamiliki wa vyombo hivyo kwa kupuuza sheria za usafirishaji na kubeba mizigo na abiria kupita kiasi, ameeleza.



siku kama ya leo miaka 47 iliyopita ndio udongo wa Tanganyika na Zanzibar ulichanganywa na kuwa kitu kimoja na ndipo ilipozaliwa TANZANIA.
baada ya miaka hii 47 sasa asilimia kubwa ya wazanzibari hawautaki muungano.wanasema kwamba sasa imekuwa kama wametawaliwa na wabara,hivyo wanahitaji kujitenga wapewe nchi yao ya zanzibar na wawe huru kujiunga na nchi yoyote(hasa oman) lakini siyo Tanganyika.
inawezekana kilio chao ni sahihi si cha kudharau lakini je kitakubalika??

kwa namna hali ilivyo sasa hapo nyumbani ni haki ya wazanzibar kudai haki yao ya kuvunjwa muungano,wenzetu wanaona mbali na umasikini huu wa wananchi,katika miaka yote zaidi ya 50 ya uhuru hamna faida yoyote mwananchi anayoiona zaidi ya kuimbiwa nyimbo mpya na wanasiasa kila siku,hali ya uchumi inazidi kuwa mbovu,huduma za kijamii zinazidi kudorora lakini pale pale viongozi wanazidi kuingia mikataba mibovu na magabacholi kisha baadae mikataba hiyo inaishia kwenda kulipa faini hao magabacholi zaidi ya mara 10 ya mtaji wao!
hao viongozi usidhani ni mambumbumbu wanapoingia hiyo mikataba ala,wanajua kila kinachoendelea,wanajua madhara wanajua kila kitu ila kwani wao wanajali nini wakati wanataka kununua VX new model,kupeleka watoto wao ngambo wakasome,kumalizia kujenga ma-villa yao ili wayapangishe.
hata mkataba ukiwa mbovu vipi yeye anasign haraka haraka ili apate chake.
hakuna anayekemea uozo huu,hali inazidi kuwa mbaya kila siku wao hawajali maana wakiona mnapiga sana kelele wanajivua GAMBA.
hawajui(wanajua) kwamba tatizo haliko kwenye gamba peke yake lakini wanajali??
wananchi ilichobaki ni kuendelea kuhesabu tu miaka 50 ya uhuru hewalaa,miaka 47 ya muungano sawaaaa,miaka 100......... ok
siku zinaenda na hali inazidi kuwa mbaya zaidi.

mkilalamika tena nambari wani wanajivua gamba lingine muziki unaendelea

Monday, 25 April 2011

Racism whistleblower faces 'negro slave' taunt

The man who reported two Lund University student groups over a party featuring guests dressed as "slaves" to be sold at auction has since been subjected to racial slurs at his workplace.
Jallow Momodou of the National Afro-Swedish Association (Afrosvenskarnas riksförbund) reported Halland and Helsingkrona student associations for failing to take action when guests who arrived at "jungle parties" showed up with blackened faces and ropes around their necks.

Following news of his complaint, Momodou arrived at his office at Malmö University on Wednesday morning to find posters on the library bulletin board featuring his face superimposed on the image of a naked man in chains.

"Our negro slave has run away," read the text on the posters.

Momodou, who had been alerted the night before that the posters may be circulating at the university, consulted the attending librarian.

He was told that a student had handed over a stock of similar posters on Tuesday night, which had apparently been printed out from the library computers.

"It felt awful…really, really bad," Momodou told The Local.

While he was also angered by the posters Momodou said he isn't surprised.

"For me it's proof that racism really exists in Sweden and is on a level comparable to the southern United States in the 1970s," he said.

Momodou has since reported the incident to the police.

And his supervisors and other high ranking officials at Malmö University all expressed their concern about the incident and promised to do what they could to ensure similar incidents didn't occur in the future.

In an interview published later on Wednesday by Lund University's student newspaper, Lundagård, controversial artist Dan Park, claimed responsibility for the posters.

"I want to make fun of the fact that people get upset about something like this," he told the newspaper.

At the time, Park was putting up copies of the poster in Lund.

He believes reaction to the "slave auction" has been blown out of proportion.

"Certain people are always offended. They have no sense of humour," he said.

Park was arrested while putting up the posters and is suspected of doing so without a permit. However, prosecutors will also look into whether he may be charged with racial agitation, the Expressen newspaper reports.

Now that the creator of the posters has been identified, however, Momodou hopes that the promises of action to address the incident will be realised.

"I'm really hoping and expecting that the university and police will take responsibility and show that such actions will not be tolerated," he said.

Momodou also lamented that no politicians had publicly condemned the "slave auction" incident, calling the lack of response "tragic".

"I'm a Swedish citizen and there are lots of Afro-Swedes who feel attacked by this," he said.

Momodou emphasised, however, that he wouldn't back down in the face of racism.

"I will not be intimidated," he said.

"If anything, this encourages me to keep fighting for my rights."


Nato strike hits Gaddafi compound

A Nato air strike on the Libyan capital Tripoli has badly damaged buildings in Col Muammar Gaddafi's compound.
Reports said at least two powerful missiles struck the Libyan leader's sprawling Bab al-Azizia compound early on Monday.
Three TV stations briefly went off the air following the explosions.
The blasts were among the biggest to hit Tripoli so far, correspondents said. Nato is targeting Col Gaddafi's forces as he tries to quell a revolt.
The BBC's Ian Pannell in Tripoli said the damaged buildings appeared to be the same ones that Col Gaddafi used to host a recent visit by an African Union peace mission.
Reports said Libyan Television and the Jamahiriya and Shababiya TV stations were off air for about half-an-hour following the blasts.
On Sunday, forces loyal to the Libyan leader bombarded areas of the western city of Misrata, despite the regime saying it had halted attacks to allow local tribes to negotiate with rebels.

Shortly after midnight there were at least two huge explosions in the capital.
The target appears to have been office buildings that make up part of Col Gaddafi's compound. The devastation is significant with walls blown out, roofs caved in and debris spread over a wide area.
Smoke rose from the shattered building as firemen sprayed foam on to the rubble. Some officials at the scene said there had been some injuries, others contradicted that.
Nato says it has been actively targeting command and control positions, but it is impossible to know whether this site did have a military purpose. There certainly didn't seem to be any obvious evidence of it.
For supporters of the regime rallying in front of the wreckage this was a personal attack against Col Gaddafi himself and they vowed to stay at the site despite Nato warnings to leave.
At least six people were reported killed in the latest bombardment, which reportedly hit the city centre and three residential districts.
A captured pro-Gaddafi soldier told AFP news agency that loyalist forces were losing the battle for Misrata.
"Many soldiers want to surrender but they are afraid of being executed [by rebels]," said Lili Mohammed, a Mauritanian hired to fight the insurgents.
On Sunday, Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim said the army was pausing to allow local tribes to settle the battle "peacefully and not militarily".
But Col Omar Bani, military spokesman for the rebels' Transitional National Council (TNC), said Col Gaddafi was "playing a really dirty game" in an attempt to divide his opponents.
"It is a trick, they didn't go," Col Bani said in the eastern city of Benghazi. "They have stayed a bit out of Tripoli Street but they are preparing themselves to attack again."


Saturday, 23 April 2011


23e & 30e April är det springparty 2011 på Subtopia (Loftet).

Pablo Machine (live), Kizima Moto Pasua Pasua.
Djs: Mike & Yanicky (R&B, Hip hop, Lingala, Bongo Flava etc.)

Entré 80kr

Dörrarna öppnas 23.00


baadhi ya washiriki wakicheza mugongo mugongo

mmoja wa washiriki

mmoja wa washiriki

washiriki kazini

husna idd"sajenti"matron na super k mwalimu wa show