Saturday, 29 September 2012


                                                                      A BEAUTY ANGEL


MBUNGE wa Kigoma Kaskazini (Chadema), Zitto Kabwe amesema hana mpango wa kugombea ubunge mwaka 2015 badala yake anajipanga kuwania urais. Zitto alisema hayo jana alipozungumza na wananchi katika mjadala ulioandaliwa na asasi ya kiraia ya Meza ya Duara uliokuwa unafanyika maeneo ya Soko la Mwanga, mjini Kigoma. Zaidi ya watu 200, ambao walihudhuria katika mjadala huo wa wazi walimuuliza maswali mbalimbali mbunge huyo, huku mmoja akigusia kuhusu tetesi za mara kwamba Zitto anataka kugombea urais katika uchaguzi ujao.
 “Nimefanya kazi kubwa katika kazi yangu ya ubunge, nimeleta mabadiliko mengi kuanzia bungeni mpaka jimboni. Nadhani inatosha na hata nikiongezewa miaka mingine sitaweza kufanya yale yaliyonishinda katika kipindi cha miaka kumi. “Kama Mungu ataniweka mpaka mwaka 2015, sitagombea ubunge tena kwa sababu kazi niliyofanya inatosha. Natangaza rasmi kuwa nitagombea urais kupitia chama changu cha Chadema, bila kusababisha msuguano wowote na sitaki kuingia katika historia ya kurudisha nyuma harakati za upinzani kushika dola,” alisema Zitto.
 “Nataka kuleta changamoto mpya, nitawaeleza watu wa chama changu nia hiyo na nitatoa hoja za msingi. Hata kama sitapata ridhaa yao, lakini huo ndio msimamo wangu. “Iwapo chama kikiona sistahili au sifai, nitakubaliana na uamuzi huo. Watu wengi wanadhani urais ni cheo, hawajui kuwa ni nafasi ambayo inakufanya ufanye vitu ambavyo ni vikubwa na vya maendeleo kwa wananchi.” Atangaza kugombea urais Katika hatua nyingine Zitto alisema ana mpango wa kuwania urais kupitia Chadema katika Uchaguzi Mkuu wa mwaka 2015. “Kwanza nataka niwahakikishia watu wa Kigoma msiwe wanyonge…mna uwezo wa kutoa rais wa nchi hii,” Zitto alianza kujibu swali hilo na kuendelea. 

Hata hivyo Zitto alipoulizwa baadaye na Mwananchi kuwa mwaka 2015 atakuwa na miaka 39, hivyo kukosa sifa ya kugombea urais kwa mujibu wa katiba alijibu; “Nadhani nina uwezo wa kuwa rais, sidhani kama Katiba inaweza kumzuia mtu mwenye uwezo asigombee na ndio maana ninaamini kuwa kipengele cha kuwa na miaka 40 kitabadilishwa katika katiba mpya.”

 “Nchi za Kidemokrasia lazima vyama vibadilishane utawala wa kuongoza nchi kama ilivyo katika nchi za Ghana na Zambia. Tanzania inatakiwa kuiga mfano wa nchi hizo,” alisema Zitto Katika kukazia hilo, Zitto alisema anashangazwa na umaskini uliopo Tanzania wakati mwaka 1976 uchumi wake ulikuwa sawa na nchi ya Malaysia, lakini mpaka kufikia mwaka 2001, Malaysia ilipunguza idadi ya watu wanaoishi chini ya dola moja kutoka asilimia 56 mpaka kufikia asilimia tatu huku Tanzania ikipunguza kutoka 51 mpaka 46. Katika hatua nyingine, Zitto alikana kuwa, Chadema ni chama cha udini, ukanda, ukabila ila akasisitiza kuwa ni chama cha kitaifa. 
 “Ndugu zangu naomba mnielewe, Chadema si chama cha ukabila, ukanda wala udini bali ni chama cha kitaifa. Hizo ni propaganda za wapinzani wetu,” alisema Zitto baada ya kuulizwa na mmoja wa washiriki kuhusu tuhuma za chama hicho kuwa cha Kikanda.
 “CCM imewahi kudai CUF ni chama cha Waislamu, na sasa wanasema Chadema ni chama cha Wakristo, sasa wao CCM ni chama cha wapagani au cha watu gani?” Alihoji Zitto. Alisema ili kuthibitisha kuwa Chadema si chama cha Kikanda, matokeo ya urais wa mwaka 2010, Dk Wilbroad Slaa aliongoza dhidi ya wagombea urais wengine kwa kupata kura nyingi katika Jimbo la Manyovu mkoani Kigoma na hivyo kufanya kupata asilimia nyingi kuliko sehemu yoyote Tanzania. 

Thursday, 27 September 2012

'Stockholm has to fix its housing problem'

'Stockholm has to fix its housing problem'
With the clock ticking on the lease for her current home in Stockholm, US-native and parent Rebecca Ahlfeldt reflects on how Sweden needs to improve the housing situation for visiting students, researchers and other skilled workers.

 read a recent piece in the Dagens Nyheter newspaper (also run on The Local) arguing that the government bureaucracy plays a large role in discouraging foreign talent from moving to Sweden. 

In this article, the Swedish Institute (SI) argues that students, researchers and other skilled workers are an important part of Sweden’s economy, innovation and future; however, they are being held up by the bureaucracy of visas, taxes and rules. 

While bureaucracy is no doubt a significant hurdle, I can think of another problem here in Stockholm that causes frustration and panic once these foreigners cut through the red tape: housing.

The student housing crisis in Stockholm has made the news quite a lot lately, but the incredibly tight rental market reaches farther than just students. All of these visiting researchers and workers Sweden wants to attract also have to find rentals as they settle in. 

So what does it take to rent a place in this city? I can tell you it takes more than time and patience. These past two months, we got our own taste of the housing shortage. 


Two years ago we arrived in Sweden assuming we’d just rent a place for a few years before made our Big Decision. Actually, we didn’t have that much of a choice— without a few Swedish tax years under our belt, the banks we checked with were reluctant to loan us anything near what we’d need to buy something in Stockholm. 

We just didn’t think renting in Stockholm would be dramatically harder than in other cities around the world.

We had been warned by other expats that the rental market would be tough, and it was. We signed up for a couple of the housing queues when we first arrived and still haven’t heard back. 

But since we were open to living anywhere in the Stockholm area, we eventually found a house in a great little neighborhood and settled in. 


Just how lucky we were became much clearer when, this summer, just after signing onto another year in the house (and right in the middle of our vacation), we got an email: the family we are renting from wanted their house back. 

Their overseas plans had fallen through, and they were coming back to Sweden. Now. How soon could we be out?

When we looked for housing two years ago, we were open to just about any neighborhood within a reasonable commuting distance to work. But now our family has settled in to this community. We have a school, daycare, friends and neighbours that we want to stay reasonably close to.

And to make the house hunt even more exciting, our move-out date is rapidly approaching. I love the fact that summer in Sweden is truly vacation time —generally speaking, things shut down, and many people get time off work. But this made finding a new place to live next to impossible.

After two months of replying to listings on Swedish buy-sell site Blocket and other rental sites, we have gotten only a handful of responses. One was from the owner of an absurdly expensive townhouse unable to get his asking price but unwilling to go down. Another response looked like this:

“I’ll only be in town for one day, so I want to make sure you’re serious about the place. If you want me to hold it for you, immediately deposit 7,500 kronor ($1,150) into my account.” 

Hmm...We’re not that desperate. Yet.

I’ve heard friends blame the tight rental market on many things, including rent control, environmental concerns, geography and politics. But one thing they all agree on is this: the problem has been around for as long as they can remember. And it’s not likely to change any time soon.

Now, with the clock ticking on our current house and no prospects in sight, we’re suddenly faced with our Big Decision earlier than we were ready for: do we buy something here in Stockholm, or do we move back to California? Do we dare enter the notoriously difficult buyers’ market? I’m not even sure it’s possible to buy before our move-out date. 

Every immigrant family we know has struggled with this same issue. If Stockholm wants to encourage the influx of visiting professors, students, researchers, and colleagues, these need a place to live. 

Sorting out Stockholm’s housing problem is just as important as addressing the bureaucracy that the Swedish Institute criticizes. 

Rebecca Ahlfeldt is an American ex-pat writer, translator and editor currently based in Stockholm.


You are very welcome invited to this event,

It's been 50 years since Uganda (commonly known as the Pearl of Africa) gained her Independence from colonial rule.
We as Mama Africa & Nile A.P are honoured to host the Nation's celebrations with live artists from East Africa


Dj ASHMAN SOUND KILLA, Dj Mike (Cameroon), Mike Yangstar (Nuh Linga), Sister Justice (Mama Africa),

Sweden's capital, Stockholm city.
We are calling upon all fellow Ugandans, friends and well-wishers from all Nationalities to come and make Uganda proud as we raise our Flag high and symbolise that Uganda is moving forward.

We will pay tribute to the legend and composer of Uganda's National Athem, the late Prof.George William Kakoma (1922/1923 – 8 April 2012).

Expect the best of the best because it is all possible with our experienced and professional management.

Venue: SUBTOPIA Street Rotemannvägen 10
Doors open 20.00

*****HAPPY 50YRS*****
Best regards
Mama Africa club & Nile A.P

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Latest Discovery: Banana Can Prevent HIV Infection

Definitely not a cure to AIDS but your favorite oblong fruit might be even healthier than you realized. According to The Gazette (Montreal) newspaper, a new study has found that chemicals commonly found in bananas are as potent in preventing HIV as two synthetic anti-HIV drugs.
Researchers say the findings could lead to a cheap new component for applied microbicides that prevent intimate transmission of HIV.

The miracle substance in bananas is called BanLec, a type of lectin, which are the sugar-binding proteins found in a variety of plants. Scientists have long been interested in lectins because of their ability to halt the chain reaction that leads to certain viral infections. In the case of BanLec, it works by binding naturally to the sugar-rich envelope that encases the HIV virus, thus blocking its entry into the body.

"The problem with some HIV drugs is that the virus can mutate and become resistant, but that's much harder to do in the presence of lectins," said lead author Michael D. Swanson. "Lectins can bind to the sugars found on different spots of the HIV-1 envelope, and presumably it will take multiple mutations for the virus to get around them."

Swanson and his colleagues noted that even modest success in developing BanLec into a womanly or BehindBased microbicide could save millions of lives.

Furthermore, a BanLec ointment would be much cheaper to produce and distribute than most current anti-retroviral medications that require the production of synthetic components.

One thing's for sure: new ways of stopping the transmission of HIV are desperately needed. Condoms are effective, but they are often used incorrectly or inconsistently, and in many cultures and developing countries women are not always in control of their intimate encounters.

The introduction of a cheap, long-lasting, self-applied ointment derived naturally from bananas could change all of that.



 Juzikati hapa katika mizunguko yangu fulani nikakutana na ndugu zangu ambao tumepotezana muda sana kutokana na mambo ya kuchanganya "ABARI",siku hiyo ndo tukakutana na bata ndio likaanza kama hivi
 yaah timu ikakamilika namna hii maana nilipokutana na mabingwa hawa wa mipakazo mjeru na yanga aby ndio ligi ikaanza 
ustaadh nae alipita kunipa hi na tukapata taswira
kisha niece wangu nae alipita kunipa hi,tukafurahi kidogo
hahusiki na hizo chupa ni mm tu
Mjeru,Isaackin na Yanga boy a.k.a. "profesor ndumila"

                                         Mr Isaackin na Mjeru,"Freemason" huyu jamaa(j**e)
"naongea na wewe"
nilikutana pia na mkuu huyu ambae tuko pamoja kwenye libeneke hili la kuglobua hapa stockholm.

kama mnakumbuka kipindi cha nyuma kuna mdau mmoja anonymous alikuja kuchafua hali ya hewa akituaga kwamba anahama toka ISAACKIN blog anahamia DARSTOCKHOLM blog,nasi hatukusita kumuaga tena kwa MATARUMBETA aende vizuri,wadau ni kwamba yule bwana (mwanakondoo) alisharudi kinyemela maana aliogopa kusema karudi akijua tutamkaribisha tena kwa MATARUMBETA!
Basi ndio hivyo huyo mdau alisharudi kimya kimya na huwa anaendelea kutuma ufyolo wake kwenye comment zinazotuchafulia hali ya hewa kama vile gari ya pronto imepita.
namimi huwa sichelewi natupa kulee

'Sweden must do more to combat racism'

Although much has improved in Sweden, there is still a lot to be done to combat racism and xenophobia, according to a new report from human rights organization the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI). 
"ECRI welcomes the positive developments in Sweden. However, despite the progress made, there are still some points of concern," the authors wrote.

The report, authored by a human rights body within the Council of Europe, calls for more measures to combat housing segregation as well as discrimination in schools, health care and the legal system.

Since the commission’s third report in 2005, much ground has been gained in a number of the areas on which the ECRI focuses. However, the report states that there is much more that should be done.

Much more could be done to promote positive action in Sweden, something that is not currently viewed as “generally acceptable”, according to the report.

The report also identifies obstacles in the Swedish legal system in bringing cases to court involving agitation against a national or ethnic group committed through the media.

The fact that only a small proportion of incidents reported result in prosecution or sentencing also increases victims’ tendency not to report offences, according to the report.

“This may help to perpetuate racism and racial discrimination,” the ECRI concluded.

The authors of the report recognized that xenophobic and Islamophobic parties have gained ground in Sweden over the past few years.

“Anti-Muslim political discourse has become more widespread and the tone has hardened. Online racism has continued to grow exponentially,” the report stated.

The report also described how residential segregation still exists in Sweden:

“Its effects are compounded by discrimination in the housing market that particularly affects Roma, Muslims, Afro-Swedes and asylum seekers.”

This will also lead to educational inequality due to a widening gap in education between institutions and a different experience for students from vulnerable groups at school:

“Pupils with an immigrant background still perform less well at school than those without and are sometimes victims of racist bullying and harassment, which are not always correctly handled by school principals.”

According to the report, discrimination also persists on the labour market, affecting not only new entrants but also immigrants who have been settled in Sweden for a number of years.

The Roma people continue to be victims of discrimination, according the report, as are the indigenous Sami, who face problems with participation in decisions affecting them and that would threaten their traditional way of life.

Ulaya yasitisha msaada kwa Rwanda


Muungano wa Ulaya umeamua kusitisha msaada kwa Rwanda.
Uamuzi wa Muungano huo umefikiwa kufuatia ripoti ya baraza la usalama la Umoja huo iliyodai kwamba Rwanda inaunga mkono waasi wa M23 dhidi ya serikali ya Congo.
Waasi hao wanadhibiti kimabavu sehemu kubwa ya Mashariki mwa Jamuhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Congo na hata kuwatoza kodi wananchi.
Kundi hilo lilianza uasi katika eneo hilo mwezi Aprili na kusababisha takriban watu nusu milioni kukimbilia usalama wao.
Lakini Rwanda imeendelea kukana madai hayo.
Umoja wa Mataifa unafanya mkutano na baadhi ya yatakayopewa kipaombele kwenye mkutano huo ni swala la mgogoro huo Mashariki mwa Congo.
Mapema mwezi Julai Marekani ilizuia dola 200,000 zilizokusudiwa kulisaidia jeshi la Rwanda.
Msaada wenyewe uliokatwa siyo mkubwa kwa jeshi la Rwanda, lakini hatua hiyo ilitoa ishara kubwa.
Kwa kukata msaada huo, Marekani ni kama ilikuwa inasema "tunaamini ripoti kuwa Rwanda inatibua usalama wa kanda hiyo kwa kuwaunga mkono wapiganaji wa Congo".
Mwezi Juni ,Umoja wa Mataifa ulikabidhi ripoti kwa Baraza la Usalama, ambayo ilisema ina ushahidi mzito kuwa Rwanda inalipatia kundi la M23, wapiganaji na zana, na kurahisisha makamanda wao wakubwa kusafiri na kuvuka mpaka baina ya Congo na Rwanda.
Wanawake Mashariki mwa Congo wakilaani maasi

Uasi huo ulianza mwezi wa Aprili, wakati wanajeshi mia kadha wa jeshi la Congo walipofanya ghasia.
Uasi huo uliongozwa na Jenerali Bosco Ntaganda, ambaye anasakwa na Mahakama ya Jinai ya Kimataifa, ICC, kwa uhalifu wa kivita.
Nayo serikali ya Uholanzi ilisitisha msaada wa dola milioni 6.15 kwa Rwanda baada ya nchi hiyo kuhusishwa na madai hayo ingawa baadaye ilianza tena kutoa msaada kwa nchi hiyo baada ya serikali ya Rwanda kuahidi kushirikiana na kukomesha vita hivyo.




 Na: Midraji Ibrahim na Habel Chidawali, Mwananchi

 MWENYEKITI wa Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), Rais Jakaya Kikwete amewatolea uvivu wagombea wa nafasi mbalimbali ambao majina yao yamekatwa, akisema wanaotaka kukihama chama hicho kwa sababu wametoswa, waondoke haraka. Licha ya kuwatakia safari njema, Rais Kikwete aliwatupia lawama baadhi ya wanaCCM ambao wameripotiwa kuendesha malumbano na kugeuza uchaguzi huo kama uwanja wa vita. Akifungua kikao cha Halmashauri Kuu ya CCM (Nec) jana, Rais Kikwete alisema kumekuwapo na taarifa mbalimbali ambazo zimemfikia pia kwamba baadhi ya wanachama wanatishia kukihama chama hicho kama majina yao yatakatwa.

 “Wako wenye ndimi mbili ambao wanasema kuwa wasipoteuliwa wanaweza kuondoka. Ah! Mimi nasema watangulie huko maana inaonyesha kuwa walishaandaa maeneo ya kwenda,” alisema Rais Kikwete huku akishangiliwa na wajumbe wa Nec. Alisema CCM kinayo taarifa kuhusu watu kugombana na hata kutoleana silaha, jambo alilosema linashangaza, huku akihoji kuna nini katika uongozi tena Nec? “Uchaguzi usigeuzwe uwanja wa fujo. 

Wengine wanatoleana silaha kama majembe, ngumi na silaha nyingine, hivi wanagombana nini huko? Uchaguzi usigeuzwe kuwa ni uwanja wa vita.” alisema. Hivi karibuni, baadhi ya makada wa chama hicho wamekuwa wakitoa kauli mbalimbali za kukitishia chama hicho akiwemo Mbunge wa Musoma Vijijini, Nimrod Mkono ambaye alikaririwa akisema kama jina lake halitapitishwa, patachimbika. Mbunge huyo alisema hayo siku chache baada ya jina lake kutupwa na Kamati ya Utekelezaji ya Jumuiya ya Wazazi iliyokuwa ikipitia na kuteua wagombea watatu kwa ajili ya kuwania nafasi ya mwenyekiti wa jumuiya hiyo. 

"Hapatatosha CCM," alisema Mkono alipoulizwa na waandishi wa habari kuhusu kutoswa kwake katika mchujo wa awamu hiyo ya awali. Ingawa Rais Kikwete hakutaja majina, Mbunge wa Nzega Dk Khamis Kigwangallah na Hussein Bashe nao waliripotiwa kutoleana maneno makali hata kuonyeshana bastola, huku Mwenyekiti wa CCM Mkoa wa Shinyanga, Khamis Mgeja na Mbunge wa Kahama, James Lembeli wakiendesha malumbano kwa muda mrefu. Inadaiwa kuwa majina hayo yote na ya vigogo wengine yamekatwa na jana baadhi yao walikuwa wanadai kuwa CCM kinataka kuzalisha upinzani ambao utakisababishia kushindwa katika safari yake kisiasa hasa katika mfumo huu wa vyama vingi. Licha ya makaripio hayo, Rais Kikwete alibainisha kuwa CCM kinasemwa na watu kuwa kinakithiri rushwa katika chaguzi zake hivyo akawataka wagombea kubadilika kabla ya kukamatwa na Takukuru. “Zipo taarifa ingawa hatujazithibitisha kwamba wapo baadhi ya wagombea wanamwaga fedha sijawahi kuona… Takukuru wapo wanaendelea na kazi. Chama chetu kinasemwa tujipe fursa ya kubadilika, tusisubiri kukamatwa na kuanza kuilaumu PCCB.” 

Kuhusu uteuzi wa wagombea wa nafasi mbalimbali, Rais Kikwete alisema katika uchaguzi huo, wamejitokeza watu wengi tena vijana wasomi na kwamba Kamati ya Usalama na Maadili na Kamati Kuu, zimewapandisha na kuwakata waliotumikia chama muda mrefu. “Kama hukuteuliwa kuna mawili, ama nafasi zimejaa au hufai una upungufu kidogo na huo ni utaratibu wa chama siyo kuoneana,” alisema Rais Kikwete huku akishangiliwa. 

Alisema katika uteuzi huo vijana watapewa nafasi zaidi kutokana na ukweli kuwa, chama bila ya vijana hakiwezi kuwa imara kwa sababu ndiyo nguvu ya ushindi. “Hao watakaoachwa watambue kuwa tunafanya hivyo kwa ajili ya kutengeneza timu ya ushindi ya Uchaguzi wa Serikali za Mitaa 2014 na Uchaguzi Mkuu wa 2015 kwa Bara na Visiwani, hivyo kuachwa jina lako isiwe nongwa,” alisema na kuongeza: “Lazima tukipe chama chetu watu wa kushinda… Lazima tutambue sasa tunaunda timu ya ushindi wa chama siyo ushindi wa mtu.” Hata hivyo, Rais Kikwete alitoa angalizo kuwa anajua kikao cha Halmashauri Kuu kingekuwa na mjadala mzito, lakini lazima wakipe chama watu wa kushinda. Majina manne Kamati Kuu ya CCM, inadaiwa kupendekeza majina ya wagombea wanne kwenye jumuiya zake, tofauti na kanuni ya chama hicho ya nafasi moja kuwaniwa na watu watatu. Kikao chake kilichomalizika juzi usiku, kinadaiwa kubadili kanuni ya kupendekeza wagombea watatu kwa nafasi moja na kwamba, hivi sasa mapendekezo hasa kwenye jumuiya ni wagombea wanne. 

 Taarifa kutoka ndani ya kikao hicho zilidai kuwa, hatua hiyo inalenga kutoa ushindani kwa wagombea. Hata hivyo, Katibu wa Itikadi na Uenezi wa CCM, Nape Nnauye alipotakiwa kuzungumzia suala hilo hakukanusha wala kukubali zaidi ya kusema kwamba hata kama utaratibu huo umetumika siyo mara ya kwanza kwa chama hicho. Alisema kama Jumuiya ya Vijana wanaojitokeza lengo lao linakuwa kupata uzoefu na kwamba, idadi ya majina inategemeana na busara za kikao kinavyoona ili kutoa nafasi kwa wagombea kujipima.  


Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Bon Chance present's; Dekula Band"Ngoma Ya Kilo"

 Bon Chance present's;
Dekula Band"Ngoma Ya Kilo"
06/Oct/2012/ from 22-05 Solna

Monday, 24 September 2012




Kama nilivyoahidi kujibu maswali ya walio andika facebook inbox. Ambayo mengi yao yana fanana, ila kwa yale ambayo yatakuwa hayajajibiwa ni kutokana na kuwa sikupata majibu yake. Au sina majibu yake kabisa.

Jibu: Ningependa kufanya nyimbo nyingi kwa kushirikiana na wasanii tofauti, lakini kutokana na ukweli halisi ni kwamba Duniani popote. Haiwezekani kwa msanii yoyote kufanya Collabo na kila msanii anaeomba kufanya nae.

Hii ni kutokana na kwamba hata wasikilizaji watachoka kusikia kila siku sauti ya mtu huyo huyo mmoja  kwenye kila wimbo. Pia wakati mwingine inahitajika kuupa muda katikati ya Collabo na Collabo
Na ni vema kuwa niwe nimeshawahi hata kumsikia mtu ambae anaomba nifanye nae wimbo.
Mengi mengine yanakuwa nje ya uwezo wangu.

Jibu: Vigezo vya kuwa member ni kwa wale ambao tumekuwa tukishirikiana nao kwa mambo mbali mbali katika mitandao, tukazoeana baadae tukakutana uso kwa uso na kujenga undungu.

Kwasasa tunaiboresha Familia iliopo, watu wazoeane na kufahamiana kwa ukaribu kabla ya kuongeza members wengine wapya.

Nilifikiria kuunda kundi la pili, litakaloitwa LA FAMILLE 2
Ili lile la kwanza libakie kuwa vile vile, kwakuwa wamekwisha zoeana sana
Na la pili waunde mazoea pia uwe ni umoja mwingine.

Jibu: Mtu yoyote ambae anapenda kuwa ndugu yangu kwa hiari yake anakaribishwa. Tatizo linakuja pale anapotaka tuwe tuna chat muda wote
Ku chat haitawezekana kutokana na muda kuwa hautoshi.
Ila kunipenda na kuniandikia ni vizuri, nikipata muda nitakuwa najibu, Mkitaka kunitembelea, karibuni Nyumbani Lounge....Sina maneno....Karibuni sana

Jibu: Kuhusiana na wanaohitaji nafasi za kazi
Mnaweza kuandika e-mail:
Huko mtapata majibu kutoka kwa wahusika.

Jibu: Kwa wale wanaoniomba misaada ya pesa, za ada, chakula na mahitaji mengine.
Ukweli ni kwamba uwezo wangu sio mkubwa sana wa kuweza kumsaidia kila mtu. Japo ningependa kusaidia, na huwa nasaidia pale ninapoweza.
Bahati mbaya maombi yamekuwa mengi kuliko uwezo wangu.

Misaada ya kimuziki naweza kutoa ushauri, ila sina uwezo wa kumlipia Studio kila msanii mchanga anaeniomba.
Ila mnaweza kwenda kwa wenye Studio zao wakawasaidia kuwarekodi bure, endapo watavutiwa na kazi zenu ila hiyo itakuwa ni kazi kwenu kuwashawishi kuwa mna vipaji na mnastahili kusaidiwa bure bila malipo yoyote

Jibu: Dar es salaam zinapatikana SHEAR ILLUSIONS -   Mlimani City na
         Au kwa walioko mbali piga simu +255 767 884 007/
        +255 784 884 007

Jibu: Itatoka baada ya wiki moja

Jibu: Kwa sasa kuna project iko njiani na itaanza kuonekana mnamo mwezi wa October katikati
Nitawafahamisha pindi kila kitu kitakapokuwa tayari

Jibu: Wasiliana na Gardner G Habash
          +255 767 884 007/ +255 784 884 007
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Asanteni kwa kuniandikia, natumaini nimejitahidi kujibu kama mlivyotarajia. Nasikitika kwa ubinaadamu wangu pengine kuna maswali sikuweza kuyajibu, ila uwezo wangu wa kujibu umefikia hapo kwa leo

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With Love


Director General of Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) Dr. Edward Hosea speaking at the stakeholders meeting to validate the Evaluation Report of national Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan (NASCAP) II where he said this process is a solid commitment from the Government, The Private Sector, Civil Society and Development Partners to collectively share the responsibility of tackling the challenges of corruption at its root cause.
Director General of Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) Dr. Edward Hosea speaking at the stakeholders meeting to validate the Evaluation Report of national Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan (NASCAP) II where he said this process is a solid commitment from the Government, The Private Sector, Civil Society and Development Partners to collectively share the responsibility of tackling the challenges of corruption at its root cause.
The Controller and Auditor General (CAG), Mr Ludovick Utouh (left) with other Stake Holders during the meeting.
Above and Below are Representative from the Government, Members of Diplomatic Corps and Development Agencies.
Representative from United Nations in Tanzania.
United Nation Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Dr. Alberic Kacou (right) chatting with The Controller and Auditor General (CAG), Mr Ludovick Utouh.
Above and Below: Director General of Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) Dr. Edward Hosea (centre), United Nation Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Dr. Alberic Kacou (Third left), The Controller and Auditor General (CAG), Mr Ludovick Utouh (third right) on a group photo with Stake Holders after the meeting to validate the evaluation report of NACSAP II held at Blue Pearl Hotel in Dar es Salaam today.

John Terry retires from international football with angry attack on FA

John Terry
                    John Terry has announced his international retirement. Photograph: Tom Jenkins

John Terry has announced that he has ended his career as an England ­footballer – and he departed with a rebuke for the Football Association, who he accused of making his position as an international player untenable.
The 31-year-old Chelsea captain, who won 78 caps for his country, is to go before an independent four-man commission on Monday, which was convened under the auspices of the FA, to defend himself against a charge of using racially abusive language towards Anton Ferdinand, the Queens Park Rangers defender.
Terry defended himself successfully against a criminal charge at Westminster magistrates court in July related to the same flashpoint: that he allegedly racially abused Ferdinand in the Premier League fixture between QPR and Chelsea at Loftus Road on 23 October last year.
He was cleared by the chief magistrate, Howard Riddle, because there was not the required weight of evidence to support a conviction – proven beyond reasonable doubt. But the FA, having started an investigation which was halted when the police and the Crown Prosecution Service began their inquiries, reopened their case and, on 27 July, brought its charge, much to Terry's dismay.
Terry said that he was making his statement on Sunday "in advance of the hearing of the FA disciplinary charge because I feel the FA, in pursuing charges against me where I have already been cleared in a court of law, have made my position with the national team untenable".
Terry had been supported by the England manager, Roy Hodgson, who took him to the European Championship in June, while the court trial hung over him. As recently as last month, Hodgson expressed the hope that the independent commission would clear Terry and what has been an unedifying and destructive affair could finally approach closure.
"I'm hoping, and I make no secret of it, that the case will take its course and John, hopefully, will be freed as he was freed in a court of law and will carry on playing for England," Hodgson said. "That's my hope. What will happen, I have no idea. I thought John did well in the Euros and I'd like to keep using him but this is a case which is way out of my hands. John understands that."
Terry called Hodgson before he issued his retirement statement to offer him forewarning and thank him for standing by him. The respect between the pair is clear. There was the sense that nothing could retain the capacity to shock after an 11-month saga that has taken many turns, including Terry being stripped of the England captaincy by the FA and Fabio Capello resigning his post as the manager in protest, but the timing of the player's statement, on the eve of his hearing, was surprising.
Terry's legal advisers are aware the FA requires a lower burden of proof to obtain a guilty verdict. Its commissions judge on what they call the "balance of probability", as opposed to "beyond reasonable doubt" in criminal trials.
Terry's lawyers are also mindful that the FA's success rate in such matters is high, largely because the governing body does not bring charges if it feels that it does not have a winnable case. It is not duty-bound to bring charges, as the police may be.
Terry's international retirement was seen by some as a pre-emptive decision.
The FA made no comment on Sunday night, as it opted to take stock of Terry's statement. The fact that the commission, chaired by an independent QC, is poised to begin examining the evidence, complicated the FA's position.
Terry's words were left to speak for themselves. "Representing and captaining my country is what I dreamed of as a boy and it has been a truly great honour," he said. "I have always given my all and it breaks my heart to make this decision. I want to wish Roy [Hodgson] and the team every success for the future.
"I would like to thank the England managers who have selected me for my 78 caps. I have had great pleasure in sharing that honour with all the players that I've played with. I would like to thank them, the fans and my family for their support and encouragement during my international career. I now look forward to playing for Chelsea FC, and challenging for domestic and European honours."
Chelsea said Terry's decision had been "personal and difficult".


Walimu wa Kenya wapata nyongeza kubwa

Shule ya Kenya
Kutokana na maafikiano hayo kati ya serikali na chama cha walimu nchini KNUT, sasa walimu wanatarajiwa kurejea kazini Jumatatu.
Hatua hiyo sasa itawapa afueni maelfu ya wanafunzi hususan wa shule za msingi na upili za umma ambao hawajafunzwa wakati huu walimu walipokuwa mgomoni.
Vyama vya walimu nchini Kenya KNUT na Kuppet vilikuwa vikishinikiza serikali kuwalipa walimu nyongeza hiyo kwa awamu moja.
Awali serikali ya Kenya ilikuwa imekataa kutekeleza matakwa hayo na kuwataka walimu kukubali kulipwa kwa awamu tatu, awamu ya kwanza ikitekelezwa Oktoba mwaka huu.
Mwalimu wa chini aliyekuwa akipata shilingi 13,000 sasa atapata shilingi 39.000.
Serikali ya Kenya imetenga zaidi ya dola 159 milioni kuwalipa zaidi ya walimu 250,000 ambao walikuwa wakigoma kulalamikia mishahara duni na mazingira mabaya ya kazi.


Migration Board delays toddler's deportation

Migration Board delays toddler's deportation

In the face of mounting public pressure, the Swedish Migration Board (Migrationsverket) has decided that 2-year-old Haddile, an abandoned toddler facing deportation to France, can remain in Sweden with her foster parents until further notice
"It's only a partial victory. But it's good that they listened to the Swedish people," Malen Liewehr, Haddile's foster mother, told the Aftonbladet newspaper.

Haddile, who had been abandoned by her birth mother and then suffered alleged abuse from her stepfather, was facing deportation to France following a previous ruling by the Migration Board.

While Haddile's foster parents have expressed their desire to adopt the little girl, who has French citizenship through her mother, the agency's inability to contact the toddler's biological parents has complicated the process.

According to the Migration Board, deporting Haddile to France, a country in which she has never lived or visited, would make it possible for her to be reunited with her mother, an Algerian-born woman with French citizenship.

News of the girl's impending deportation sparked a public backlash, with tens of thousands of Swedes signing a petition in favour of her being allowed to stay in Sweden.

On Sunday, Swedish migration authorities issued a statement clarifying that Haddile could remain in Sweden while the agency continued the search for her birth parents.

"Haddile Khemice can remain in her foster home while efforts to find the parents continue," the Migration Board said in a statement.

The agency explained that a more in-depth assessment of the girl's case is required before she can be deported – if her parents or other relatives cannot be found.

Haddile's foster parents welcomed the news that the little girl wouldn't be deported immediately, but remained concerned about that might happen next.

"When they start talking about relatives, I'm not sure what they're talking about. They know there is a problem related to honour culture in this case. It's in Haddile's file. There is a remaining risk that she could suffer if she ends up with relatives. I still don't understand what they're thinking, because that's not in the best interests of the child," said foster father Miklos Liewehr, to Aftonbladet.

According to legal scholar Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg, deporting Hadille could be illegal.

"Personally, I think it would be rather remarkable if they deported the girl, considering her entire existence with family has taken place in Sweden with a family that wants to adopt her," she told the TT news agency.

While the case is complicated from a legal perspective, there is a strong case to be made that Haddile's strong emotional ties stemming from her relationship with her foster family means the her relationship is covered by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, explained Jänterä-Jareborg.

"Which obviously, if it's taken seriously, would mean that she couldn't be deported," she said.

More news click  Two-year-old girl faces deportation from Sweden 


BAADHI ya wafanyakazi wa kigeni kutoka mataifa mbalimbali hususan barani Asia, wameendelea kuajiriwa katika nyadhifa tofauti za juu kwenye hoteli kubwa za kitalii jijini Dar es Salaam wakati hawana ujuzi wa taaluma ya kazi husika.
Uchunguzi wa Tanzania Daima umebaini kuwa wafanyakazi hao huletwa na ndugu zao wenye madaraka makubwa katika hoteli hizo bila kujali taaluma zao, na wakati mwingine hufanya kazi za kawaida ambazo kisheria zinatakiwa kufanywa na wafanyakazi wazawa.
Gazeti hili limenasa orodha ya wafanyakazi wa moja ya hoteli kubwa maarufu zilizopo eneo la Kunduchi, yenye wafanyakazi wa kigeni 29 ambao takriban wote ni raia wa India ukiacha watendaji wachache wa juu kabisa.
Taarifa kutoka ndani ya hoteli hiyo ni kwamba wafanyakazi hao wengi wao hawana ujuzi kabisa na kazi walizoajiriwa kufanya, hivyo baada ya kuingia hufundishwa na wale wachache wazawa ambao hata hivyo hawathaminiwi.
Ili kukwepa mkono wa sheria za nchi kuhusu wageni kufanya kazi zinazoweza kufanywa na Watanzania wazalendo, baadhi ya wafanyakazi hao wasio na ujuzi (vihiyo), wamekuwa wakitumia majina tofauti hotelini hapo badala ya yale yaliyoko kwenye pasi zao za kusafiria au nyaraka za Idara ya Uhamiaji.
Baadhi ya wafanyakazi wazalendo wa hotelini hapo, walilidokeza gazeti hili kuwa mchezo huo umekuwa ukifanywa kwa ushirikiano wa watendaji wasio waaminifu ndani ya Idara ya Uhamiaji na wamiliki wa hoteli hiyo.
“Tumelalamika sana juu ya mchezo huu unaotunyima ajira, maana kazi wanazofanya hawana ujuzi nazo, tunawafundisha sisi, lakini wanaajiriwa wao na kulipana mishahara mikubwa; watu wa Uhamiaji tukiwaambia wanakuja wanazungumza na wamiliki mambo yanaishia hapo na kama haitoshi wanatutaja majina kwa wamiliki tunafukuzwa kazi kwa kutoa siri za ofisi,” alisema mmoja wa wafanyakazi hao wazalendo.
Katika orodha ya wafanyakazi wa kigeni 29 wa hoteli hiyo ambayo gazeti hili lina nakala yake, kazi zilizoainishwa nyingi ni za kawaida kama ufundi, udaktari, umeneja stoo, uhasibu na nyinginezo ambazo kimsingi wako Watanzania wengi wenye ujuzi wa kuzifanya.
“Yaani hapa ukiingia humu ndani utashangaa kuona watu wanavyoweza kwenda kwao kuleta ndugu, wake, waume na jamaa zao na kuwajaza kazini kwenye vitengo nyeti wakati hawafanyi lolote. Tunaye Store Controller, lakini ukisoma kibali chake cha kazi anatambulishwa kama Operation Manager,” kilisema chanzo chetu.
Vile vile katika orodha hiyo yuko mfanyakazi mmoja anatajwa kama injinia, lakini wafanyakazi wenzake wanasema hajui lolote, hatua inayowafanya kuiomba serikali kuingilia kati kuzikagua hoteli hizo ili kubaini kama wahusika wanafanya kazi kwa mujibu wa sheria za nchi na vibali vyao.
Nafasi za juu ambazo zinashikiliwa na wafanyakazi wazalendo hotelini hapo ni mbili, moja ikiwa ya Meneja Rasilimali Watu, ambaye hata hivyo anatajwa kutokuwa na kauli kwani wafanyakazi wazalendo wanapomlalamikia hawapi majibu ya kujitosheleza akidai kuwa yeye analetewa wafanyakazi na wakubwa zake. Mwingine mwenye wadhifa mkubwa ni Meneja Ulinzi.
Juhudi za kuwatafuta wasemaji wa hoteli hiyo, waziri mwenye dhamana na kazi pamoja na Idara ya Uhamiaji zinaendelea kutokana na jana kuwa siku ya wikiendi na hivyo watendaji hao kuwa mapumzikoni.



Wanamitindo mbalimbali wakipita stejini.
Wadau wakifuatilia mashindano hayo.
MC katika maonyesho hayo Irene Tilya ambaye ni Mtangazaji wa Toneradio, akiwa kazini.
Akina kaka nao wakiwa jukwaani kuonyesha mavazi.

Mkuu wa Operesheni wa Tone Mult-Media Company Limited, Sillas Mbuya akifuatilia mashindano hayo.
WABUNIFU wa mavazi katika usiku wa mitindo uliofanyika Mbalamwezi beach walikuwa ni Diana Magese, Mitindonite iliwakilishwa na Ally, Amin, Wancy na Matrida, Bambo collection, Renee, Cocoriko, William Johnson, Veronica Ruhenzi-VS collection, Dorcas, Subira, Salim Ally, na Wavisa Collection.
Wengine ni Onfe collection, Baby Jullieth Collection na Hamidi Abdul collection.
Maonyesho ya mitindo ya mavazi, yameandaliwa na Mitindonite Afrika na kudhaminiwa na Darling, Equity Bank, Tone Mult-Media Company Limted ambao ni wamiliki wa Tone radio, Blogs za mikoa na Thisday Magazine, Secret Lengerie wauzaji wa nguo za ndani za wanawake, Amaya Beauty Solon & Spa, Better service, small axe, Qice photo sport, Real Burger, Fashion News, Pekuatanzania na Mdee Trans.