Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Kwa Vumbi present's;Dekula Band"Ngoma Ya Kilo"

Kwa Vumbi present's;
Lady Neema,Yaya Sella & Bobo Sugar 
Dekula Band"Ngoma Ya Kilo"
Place:Lilla Wien"Little Nairobi"
Date:29-30 March 2013

Pendel:Södra Station

Rais wa China aahidi misaada bila masharti

Dar es Salaam. Rais Xi Jinping wa China ameahidi kuendelea kuipiga jeki Afrika ili kukabiliana na changamoto za kimaendeleo, huku akisema kuwa suala la utoaji misaada yenye masharti magumu siyo ajenda ya Serikali yake.

Jinping akitumia jukwaa la Tanzania kutambulisha sera yake kwa nchi za Afrika alisema kwamba bara hilo limepiga hatua kubwa kimaendeleo na kwamba nchi yake itaimarisha uhusiano uliopo kwa manufaa ya pande zote mbili.

Alisisitiza kwamba ushirikiano wenye tija ni ule unaozingatia “majadiliano na maridhiano” na kwamba Serikali yake imetenga kiasi cha Dola za Marekani 20 bilioni kufadhilia miradi mbalimbali ya maendeleo Afrika.

“China haitakuwa tayari kutoa masharti kwa taifa lolote… Tunataka kutoa fursa zinazofanana,” alisema Rais, ambaye alishika rasmi wadhifa huo Machi 14, mwaka huu.
Alisema China haitaingilia masuala ya ndani ya nchi, huku akisisitiza kwamba shabaha ya nchi yake ni kuendelea kupalilia ushirikiano mwema uliodumu kwa miongo kadhaa na siyo kujihusisha na migogoro.

Baadhi ya wachunguzi wa mambo wanadai kuwa, kauli ya kiongozi hiyo ni kama ujumbe wa onyo kwa baadhi ya nchi za Magharibi ambazo zinalalamikiwa kuendesha sera zinazominya ustawi wa Afrika.

Mhadhiri katika Chuo cha Diplomasia na Uhusiano wa Kimataifa (CFR), Dk Ahmed Mtengwa alisema: “Ni hotuba inayofungua njia kwa Afrika..., amezungumzia ushirikiano unaolingana yaani `win win situation’ (kila upande ufaidike), hivyo kwangu ninayaona matumaini.”
Rais Jinping, aliyekuwa katika ziara ya siku mbili nchini na juzi usiku alisaini mikataba 17 inayohusu sekta za kilimo, afya na miundombinu.

Mkataba wa ujenzi wa Bandari ya Bagamoyo mkoani Pwani ni kati ya miradi mikubwa iliyomo kwenye makubaliano hayo na ujenzi wake utafanywa na Kampuni ya Merchants Holding ya China na utakwenda sanjari na ujenzi wa barabara inayounganisha bandari hiyo.

Pia katika bandari hiyo itaunganishwa na Reli ya Kati na na ile ya Mamlaka ya Reli ya Tanzania na Zambia (Tazara) ili kurahisisha usafiri wa mizigo ndani na nje ya nchi.
Mikataba mingine itahusiana na uboreshaji wa sekta ya viwanda, kilimo hasa kile cha tumbaku ikiwamo kuwatafutia soko wakulima kutoka Mikoa ya Tabora na Ruvuma ili waweze kuuza zao hilo katika soko la China pamoja na kulipatia Shirika la Utangazaji Tanzania (TBC) zana za kufanyia kazi.

Rais huyo, ambaye Tanzania ndiyo nchi ya kwanza barani Afrika kuitembelea, alizindua na kukabidhi rasmi Kituo cha Mikutano cha Kimataifa cha Mwalimu Julius Nyerere kilichoko jijini Dar es Salaam ambalo ni jengo la ghorofa tatu na lenye kumbi nne za mikutano zenye uwezo wa kuchukua watu 1,800 kwa wakati mmoja.

Ujenzi wa kituo hicho uligharimu Dola za Marekani 29.7 milioni zilizotolewa na Serikali ya China kwa lengo la kumuenzi Baba wa Taifa, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere.

Rais huyo alisifu ushirikiano wa muda mrefu baina ya taifa lake na Tanzania na kusisitiza kuwa nchi hizo zitaendelea kusaidiana kama sehemu ya kuenzi misingi iliyowekwa na waasisi wa mataifa haya mawili, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere na Mao Tse Tung.

Rais Jinping aliondoka jana jioni kwenda Afrika Kusini kuhudhuria mkutano wa tano wa Wakuu wa Nchi zinazokua kwa kasi kiuchumi ikiwamo Brazil, Urusi, India, China na Afrika ya Kusini (BRICS).


Residence permit bribery probe 'likely to grow'

Residence permit bribery probe 'likely to grow'
A top prosecutor believes more Migration Board (Migrationsverket) employees will likely be implicated in an ongoing bribery probe launched after two employees were arrested on suspicions of selling residence permits.
The Swedish Migration Board (Migrationsverket) is investigating a number of suspected fraud cases, after several of its employees are believed to have sold residence permits.

An employee from the Malmö branch of the agency remains held on remand on suspicion of aggravated bribery. And another employee who was recently released from custody remains suspected of bribery.

A previous manager, who currently works in another state department in southern Sweden, is also suspected of involvement in the scam.

"The ongoing bribery investigation is going to grow. I'll be looking at people both inside and outside of the Migration Board," state prosecutor Nils-Eric Schultz told the Dagens Nyheter newspaper (DN).

The agency is also launching an internal task force to tackle the corruption.

"This is a unique decision. I interpret this to mean that the Swedish Migration Board recognizes that there are problems here," Schultz told the paper.

A spokesman for the board dismissed concerns that the bribes are a consequence of an increased workload for agency employees.

"This is a unique decision. I interpret this to mean that the Swedish Migration Board recognizes that there are problems here," Schultz told the paper.

A spokesman for the board dismissed concerns that the bribes are a consequence of an increased workload for agency employees.

"It has nothing to do with efficiency demands," Migration Board spokesman Fredrik Bengtsson told DN.

He added that the task force won't be "hunting down individuals".

"We will be supporting individual workers where there are risks of them being influence," he said.

"I don't want to single out anyone, but these risks can apply to employees who are making decisions involving a fellow countryman, for example."

Bengtsson added that he could not comment on whether he thought the investigation would lead to the discovery of more cases of bribery.

The Local/og

Saturday, 23 March 2013

ZILIPENDWA HIZI-JB Mpiana ft Wenge BCBG at Zenith 1999@wampsmania com

Enzi hizi ndipo nilianza kupenda bolingo.sijui ni kwa ajili utu uzima ulikua unaniingia ama vipi.nikikumbuka miaka hii pale kinondoni ilikua kama vile ugonjwa maana kila mtu kusema kweli alikua anapenda bolingo.na yes JB MPIANA alikuja bongo akazindua album titanike pale pale kinondoni vijana social hall(sio mango).
nikikumbuka burudani tuliyopata siku hiyo sipati picha.ndani hapo walikua timu nzima ikiongozwa na jibe mwenyewe.Blaise bulla,Emilia,Tutu Caloudji,Fuji Menthe,Ecocota.Enzi hizo ndio kina Didier Masela,Werrason na Adolph Dominguez walikua wamejitoa na kwenda anzisha Wenge Maison merre baada ya kushindwana na Jb.na kwa taarifa tu ni kwamba Didier Masela ndio muasisi hasa wa kundi hilo   enzi hizo.

pata burudani mdau week-end njema

Bosco Ntaganda asafirishwa kwenda ICC

Mtuhumiwa wa makosa ya kivita wa Jamuhuri ya Kidemokria ya Kongo katika mahakama ya Kimataifa ya Makosa ya Jinai ICC, Bosco Ntaganda yupo njiani kuelekea katika sero ya Mahakama hiyo mjini The Hague.
Generali Ntaganda ambaye alikuwa mhimili wa mgogoro wa Kaskazini mwa Jamuhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo, alijisalimisha katika ubalozi wa marekani mjini Kigali nchini Rwanda siku ya jumatatu.
Bosco Ntaganda anakabiliwa na mashtaka kumi ya makosa ya kivita na uhalifu dhidi ya binadamu ambayo amekuwa akiyakana.
Tarehe kamili ya kusikilizwa kwa kesi yake inatarajiwa kujulikana hivi karibuni.
Bosco Ntaganda ni mtuhumiwa wa kwanza kujisalimisha mwenyewe katika mahakama hiyo ya ICC.
Kwa upande wake Mwendesha mashtaka Mkuu wa mahakama hiyo Fatou Bensouda amesema kujisalimisha kwa Ntaganda limekuwa ni jambo zuri.
"Hii ni siku njema kwa waathirika wa vita nchini Jamuhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo na katika utoaji haki duniani."Bi Fatou Bensouda aliambia BBC katika kipindi cha Focus on Afrika.
"Leo wale wote walioathirika na mkono wa Bosco Ntaganda sasa wataangalia sheria ikichukua mkono wake" Amesema Bi Bensouda.
Akijulikana kwa jina la "The Terminator" Ntaganda alipigana na makundi kadhaa ya waasi na pia aliwahi kuwa askari wa Jeshi la Serikali ya Jamuhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo.
Katika siku za hivi karibuni inaaminika alikuwa mmoja wa viongozi wa kundi la waasi wa M23 ambalo limekuwa likipigana na majeshi ya serikali ya Jamuhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo.


Nigerian author Chinua Achebe dies

Renowned Nigerian author Chinua Achebe has died at the age of 82 after a brief illness.
A statement from his family said his "wisdom and courage" were an "inspiration to all who knew him".
One of Africa's best known authors, his 1958 debut novel Things Fall Apart, which dealt with the impact of colonialism in Africa, has sold more than 10 million copies.
He had been living in the US since 1990 following injuries from a car crash.
'Indelible lessons'
The writer and academic wrote more than 20 works - some fiercely critical of politicians and a failure of leadership in Nigeria.
South African writer and Nobel laureate Nadine Gordimer called him the "father of modern African literature" in 2007 when she was among the judges to award him the Man Booker International Prize in honour of his literary career.
Things Fall Apart has been translated into more than 50 languages and focuses on the traditions of Igbo society and the clash between Western and traditional values.
The Anambra state government in Nigeria first made the announcement about his death.
Analysts say in Igbo society the death of an important person must be announced by someone in authority.
His home state was in mourning for the death of "the illustrious son of the state, Nigeria and Africa", Mike Udah, spokesman for Anambra state governor Peter Obi, told the BBC.
A statement released on behalf of his family said Mr Achebe was "one of the great literary voices of his time".
"He was also a beloved husband, father, uncle and grandfather, whose wisdom and courage are an inspiration to all who knew him. Professor Achebe's family requests privacy at this time."

Start Quote

Nelson Mandela referred to Prof Achebe as a writer 'in whose company the prison walls fell down'”
Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory
Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan said Mr Achebe's admirers had all learnt "indelible lessons of human existence" from his works.
"Achebe's frank, truthful and fearless interventions in national affairs will be greatly missed at home in Nigeria because while others may have disagreed with his views, most Nigerians never doubted his immense patriotism and sincere commitment to the building of a greater, more united and prosperous nation that all Africans and the entire black race could be proud of," the president said in a statement.
Nigerian author Victor Ehikhamenor said the news came as a shock even though people knew the novelist had not been feeling well.
"I met him on two occasions. When you are with Achebe outside Nigeria, even when you are with him in Nigeria, you cannot claim him as a Nigerian because he's a world citizen," he told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme.
Last year, Mr Achebe published a long-awaited memoir about the brutal three-year Biafran war - when the south-eastern Igbo region tried to split from Nigeria in 1967.
After leaving Nigeria, he worked in the US as a professor. His 1990 car accident left him paralysed from the waist down and in a wheelchair.
A statement of the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory said it offered its condolences to the Achebe family.
The former South African president and anti-apartheid fighter, who spent 27 years in jail, "referred to Prof Achebe as a writer 'in whose company the prison walls fell down'", the statement said.


Thursday, 21 March 2013

Brand New HIT-JanB feat Sayen

Mambo vipi wadau,

Kindly pateni ngoma yangu mpya online version. DJ au Radio presenter yeyote anayehitaji WAVE file version unaweza cheki na mimi nikupatie.
Wimbo unaitwa WAN' ME-JanB feat Sayen. Ni Swahili POP/HOUSE na Ngoma imefanyika The Mood House Records jijini Stockholm chini ya producer Robin. 

Natanguliza shukrani kwa sapoti yenu mnayonipa katika kuutangaza mziki wangu kupitia BLOGS,SITE,RADIO na CLUB.

Ngoma hii hapa; Sikiliza na download hapa: http://www.hulkshare.com/cc30xggzre9s

Asanteni sana wadau.




Tuesday, 19 March 2013

stop to send spam comment you idiota

I've got more than your 1000 comment here and nothn im goin to do with them than spam them.i dnt care if your making money online thru my posts.you better find another job to do javla fyffan.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Reinfeldt defends migrant deportation push

Reinfeldt defends migrant deportation push

Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt on Sunday defended recent efforts by police to identify and deport immigrants who remain in Sweden illegally.

"Those who have been denied entry or received deportation orders should leave the country," Reinfeldt told Svergies Television (SVT) on Sunday.

"Should people be allowed to stay simply because they go into hiding for a few weeks? That would be a very strange society."

The prime minister's comments come in response to an ongoing debate in Sweden about law enforcement's approach to carrying out deportation orders.

Critics have accused police in Stockholm of racial profiling in asking "non-Swedish looking" commuters for identification. Others have questioned whether police should be prioritizing deportation order enforcement over traditional law enforcement operations.

While police announced earlier in March that they had abandoned random ID-checks, thousands took to the streets to protest the initiative, known as theReva project, which stands for Rättssäkert och effektivt verkställighetsarbete ('Legal and effective execution of policy').

The debate gained new life last week when Swedish author Jonas Hassen Khemiri published an open letter in the Dagens Nyheter (DN) newspaper challenging Justice Minister Beatrice Ask to "change skin" with him.

The article generated was widely shared on social media and prompted many to share their experiences of being victimized by what Khemiri referred to as Sweden's "structural racism".

When asked about the article, Reinfeldt refused to comment specifically on the controversial methods other than to point out that police have said the tactics are no longer in use.

"I'm not here to discuss matters related to police operations, I'm responsible more for making laws," he said.

Reinfeldt added, however, that since 2009 the government has pushed immigration and law enforcement authorities in Sweden to do a better job of enforcing deportation orders.

According to the prime minister, no party in the Riksdag is currently in favour of open borders, although the proposal has been discussed recently within the Centre Party.

"I want to be clear that I've told the police that in Sweden, everyone is equal before the law," he said, adding he sees no reason to change Sweden's laws.

"If you've been rejected in a country with the most generous asylum and migration rules in the entire developed world, I think you should respect the decision," Reinfeldt said.

The Local/dl
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Sitta: Zikataeni fedha chafu kanisani

Waziri wa Ushirikiano wa Afrika Mashariki, Samuel Sitta amewataka viongozi wa dini kuwakemea wanasiasa wanaomwaga fedha chafu kanisani kwa lengo la kutaka kuungwa mkono na waumini.
Pia amewataka viongozi hao kuzikataa fedha hizo alizodai zinapatikana kwa rushwa na wizi wa mali ya umma.
Sitta alisema hayo jana wakati wa harambee ya kuchangia ujenzi wa Kanisa la Kiinjili la Kilutheri Tanzania (KKKT), Bethania lililopo Tegeta jijini Dar es Salaam.
“Baba Askofu nawaomba viongozi wa kanisa msaidie sana kuondoa unafiki huu ambao sasa unaletwa kanisani,” Waziri Sitta alimweleza Askofu Mkuu wa KKKT, Dk Alex Malasusa.
Alisema,  “wapo watu wenye fedha chafu wanazileta kanisani, ninyi mnazipokea. Ni hatari sana hii, mtu anasimama madhabahuni anaanza kuwadanganya wakristo.”
Alisema wapo watu wanadanganya kwamba wao ni maskini na kwamba fedha wanazozitoa kanisani wamechangiwa na marafiki zao wakati kila mtu anafahamu kwamba ni uongo.
Aliongeza: “Wakristo tunashangilia, wakati hata ukimuita mjukuu wako na kumuuliza eti huyu ni maskini, atakueleza kuwa ni tajiri wa kukufuru,” alisema Sitta.
Alisema yeye hataacha kusema ukweli kwa sababu kuacha kufanya hivyo ni kuiua nchi hii.
“Tukiacha kuyasema haya ni kuiua nchi, sisi viongozi tukiendelea kuiibia nchi hii na vijana wanaona haya yanaendelea basi nao wataona hii ndiyo jadi nao wataiba,” alisema.
“Chonde chonde Wakristo tuzikatae fedha hizi zinazopatikana kwa rushwa kwani ni sawa na kukumbatia dhambi,” alisema Sitta bila kuwataja wanaofanya hivyo.
Sitta ambaye ni Mbunge wa Urambo Mashariki alisema hakuna nchi iliyoendelea duniani kwa kukumbatia rushwa.
“Katika siasa hakuna mwanasiasa ambaye alianza siasa akiwa maskini na akatajirika kwenye siasa, ukiona hivyo huyo ujue ametuibia,” alisema Sitta ambaye alikuwa Spika wa Bunge la Tisa.
Alipoulizwa baadaye alikuwa anamlenga nani, alicheka, kasha akasema: “Ahaa, ni watu wa aina hii wako wengi, ni mtandao mkubwa.”
Kwa upande wake, Askofu Malasusa aliwaomba waumini kuwa wasilikizaji na washauri kuliko kutenda katika mtafaruku wa kidini unaondelea, ili kulinda amani iliyopo.
Katika harambee hiyo, Sh132 milioni zilipatikana ikiwa ni ahadi na fedha taslimu na kwamba kiasi kilichokuwa kinahitajika ni Sh200 milioni.
Hafla hiyo ilihudhuriwa na Mbunge wa Lupa, Victor Mwambalaswa, Mbunge wa Kahama, James Lembeli na Mbunge wa Viti Maalumu (CCM), Margareth Sitta.


Sunday, 17 March 2013

'Swedish politicians have a lot to learn about discussing race'

'Swedish politicians have a lot to learn about discussing race'

Justice Minister Beatrice Ask's clumsy statements in response to criticism of police efforts to deport illegal immigrants have left historian and commentator David Lindén feeling like a criminal for looking "non-Swedish".
Being a Swede with a "non-Swedish" look has both its advantages and disadvantages. For example, it can be a great conversation starter when someone asks where I am from and I get to tell the story about how I was adopted from an orphanage in India into a loving Swedish family.

But answering the same question over and over again quickly grows tiresome.

Not to mention the hassles that my comparatively dark skin can create when I come face to face with overzealous border guards or police officers.

Like the time I was working as an intern for a Swedish MEP and we returned to Stockholm from Strasbourg. No one in the line had to show their passports – except me.

Then there was the time when I was stopped while carrying a thick, Swedish-language biography on King Gustav II Adolph and asked by a police officer, "Are you Swedish?"

A similar thing happened to me last summer when I was covering an event organized by the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats at the Almedalen political pow-wow on Gotland.

After the event, party leader Jimmy Åkesson was scheduled to speak, but I did not know the exact time his speech was set to start. So I wrote a note in Swedish asking about the time and handed it to a group from the party's young wing, SDU.

They looked at the note, then looked at me and told me the time – in English.

From their perplexed looks I concluded they did not understand that I, a man with dark skin, was in fact Swedish, despite carrying a Swedish press card and writing the note in Swedish.

Indeed, the plight of the "non-Swedish looking" Swede has been brought into sharp relief recently by the raging debate about police tactics employed in the Stockholm metro system.

And while one may be able to excuse the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats or a police officer on the streets of Stockholm for a less-than enlightened view about who can be "Swedish", it seems even mainstream political leaders still have a hard time discussing issues of race and identity.

In the Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) newspaper, for example, Joanna Ljunggren, a vice chairwoman for a student organization with close ties to the Moderate Party, compared random ID checks in the city's metro system with sobriety tests for drivers.

When I read her article, it felt like that she compared looking non-Swedish with behaving like a drunk driver.

And then there were the statements by Justice Minister Beatrice Ask who last week responded to criticism of officers' methods as part of the so-calledReva project to deport illegal immigrants in which she said she understood that “those with previous convictions can feel resentment towards the police”.

Considering many of the people stopped in the crackdown look more like me than the justice minister, her statement made me feel like a criminal.

Nor am I alone in my indignation.

On Wednesday, Swedish writer Jonas Hassen Khemiri, who has a Tunisian father and Swedish mother, penned an open letter to Ask in the Dagens Nyheter (DN) newspaper challenging her to "change skin" with him so she could understand how it feels to be viewed with suspicion, subject to random stops, and basically be considered guilty until proven innocent.

The article created unprecedented waves across Sweden, garnering more than 200,000 views on DN and being shared tens of thousands of times on social media sites.

I understand the police have a difficult task and any abuse they have suffered for doing what they were told is inexcusable.

The fault in the discussion, I believe, lies with the politicians. When the country's justice minister makes a statement linking people who look "non-Swedish" to convicted criminals, she betrays a dangerous lack of awareness.

She cannot understand how it feels to constantly have her identity questioned. And she incapable of realizing that many Swedes today are not fair-skinned blondes with blue eyes.

The government should take note of historical examples that reveal how random identity control can create resentment and hostility.

For example the "stop and search" laws in 1970s Britain resulted in members of the black and Irish communities being subjected to random searches. Many have since argued the policy contributed to an increased IRA activity and to the riots in London during the 1980s.

We in Sweden have not yet reached that level of hostility, but when we have a justice minister who is apparently incapable of viewing the world through the eyes of others, we have gone a little bit further down a dangerous path.

My Swedish identity has been questioned many times, by different authorities and even by some commenters on this website. At the same time, I've come to realize there can be an advantage in having a multifaceted identity. People are more interested in you and your background.

People in Sweden's anti-racism movement also have something to learn as a consequence of the ongoing Reva-debate.

They suffers from what I call the "disease of being negative" and tend to talk about things that they are against, rather than devoting time and energy to explaining what they want to achieve.

Hopefully, the next stage after this Reva discussion can follow what the Swedish anti-racist foundation Expo has dubbed "positive anti-racism": talking about what kind of society we want.

Because I think we all know what kind of society we do not want.


‘Gang of eight’ on ivory probation

The latest reports indicate that the illicit trade in ivory has doubled since 2007
The worst offending countries in the ivory trade have been given a strict deadline to reduce their involvement or face sanctions.
The decision taken at the final meeting of the Cites conference in Bangkok is meant to compel countries like China and Thailand to tougher action.
But some campaigners say Cites is failing to protect elephants and want more urgent action.
Data indicates that 17,000 elephants were killed by poachers in 2011.
This is the most up-to-date information available for areas monitored by Cites.
In its final session here in Bangkok, delegates approved a decision to demand a clear set of targets for reducing the trade in ivory from the countries deemed the worst offenders.
The “gang of eight” countries include the supply states, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, plus the consumer states of China and Thailand. The group also includes three countries - Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines - which are important in the transit of ivory.
Resource issue
The meeting heard that six of the eight countries had now come up with action plans.
The standing committee of Cites also agreed that if the actions described in those plans were not completed then sanctions against the offending country, or countries, could be taken from July 2014.

“The eight states are prepared to do more and be measured against that," he said. "There is also a recognition that a failure to take action, [may see] the standing committee consider compliance measures. And the ultimate sanction under our convention is a trade suspension."Secretary General of Cites, John Scanlon, explained that the deadline was real.
But the lumping together of the eight countries as worst offenders has upset several of the countries.
Speaking in the final session, Patrick Omondi, the spokesman for Kenya’s delegation, drew a major distinction between the actions being taken by source and consumer countries.
“The demand reductions strategies (in Thailand and China) are totally different from what we are supposed to be doing. Ours depend on resources.”
If you give me screens to screen tonnes of containers we’ll screen all containers passing through Mombasa airport. If you give me 50 more sniffer dogs, we’ll be sniffing every animal part that passes through,” he added.
Thailand’s legal domestic market has been highlighted at this meeting as being a particular source of concern. It is believed that criminal gangs take advantage of this loophole to launder ivory from African elephants into Asia.
At the start of the meeting, the Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra accepted that her country needed to change its laws.
'Trinket choice'
The conference also discussed other measures in the fight against elephant poaching.
The delegates decided to require countries that make seizures of ivory to send samples for DNA analysis to established facilities.
They also asked countries with stockpiles of ivory to give up-to-date information on the scale of these holdings. Many experts fear that ivory from these stockpiles is being diverted into the markets.
Jason Bell from the International Fund for Animal Welfare agreed that these steps would help.
“These developments will not stop the current poaching crisis that is killing up to 25,000 elephants per year, but they will help and they should save some elephants,” he said.
But many campaigners were unimpressed by the Cites stance. A group of 10 conservation and welfare organisations issued a statement saying they were outraged by what they term as “the failure of Cites to stop the poaching”. They want a much tougher approach taken, especially with respect to China.
“China could end the killing by immediately closing its domestic ivory markets and severely punishing citizens engaged in illegal ivory trade," said Steve Itela, director of Youth for Conservation.
“But it chooses ivory trinkets for a luxury market over live elephants,” he added.

Thursday, 14 March 2013







Wednesday, 13 March 2013

bomb threat shuts down central stockholm

A suspected bomb that was left in a Stockholm foreign exchange bureau caused an entire neighbourhood to be shut down by police for over five hours on Tuesday night, until a bomb squad destroyed the object in a controlled detonation.

"There has been a bomb threat and we have had to ask people living in the nearby apartments to leave their houses," a policeman on the scene near the Skanstull metro stop on the island of Södermalm told The Local.

Guests and staff members of the nearby Clarion hotel were also asked to leave.

At 11.15pm, after a bomb squad with a robot entered the building, a loud noise was reported by witnesses nearby.

The squad had performed a controlled detonation of the suspicious object, according to the Aftonbladet newspaper. Soon after, traffic in the area returned to normal.

The object was found by staff members of the Forex offices on Ringgatan shortly after 6.30pm. Workers alerted security guards, who in turn contacted police.

Residents gathered around the cordoned-off streets to watch as a bomb squad entered the building.

"They told us there was a bomb and asked us to leave. It was a shock, it was a bit scary to be honest," one Skanstull resident told The Local.

"I've been out here since seven," another said.

"My apartment block wasn't evacuated, but I live around the corner, and have been waiting to see if anything is going to happen. It's kind of exciting, things are always happening in this part of town."

Police have not identified any suspects as yet, according to the TT news agency.

Skanstull, on the island of Södermalm, was mostly silent throughout the night, with large sections of Götgatan and even the Skanstullsbron bridge closed off to the public.

Buses in the area were cancelled, and the underground trains skipped the Skanstull station throughout the evening.

However, traffic and public transport was back up and running by 11.30pm.


Tuesday, 12 March 2013


 Christopher Gimling Shaftoe/SVT

De boende på hotell Clarion ska evakueras. Scanpix
Wageni wa Clarion Hotel wakiokolewa
 Erika Holm/Tittarbild
bomb technician wakiwa tayari kwa kutegua bomu hilo
 Christopher Gimling Shaftoe/SVT

alarm imelia mida ya saa 12.45 jioni baada ya mlinzi mmoja kushtukia kitu kama bomu maeneo hayo.

Breaking News:tishio la bomu skanstull

Kumekuwepo na habari kwamba maeneo ya skanstull na sodermalm kuna bomu. Limetegwa.hali maeneo hayo ni mbaya na mpaka sasa traffik imesimamishwa mitaa ya skanstull.inavyosemekana ni kwamba polis mmoja aliibonyeza alarm kwa kile kinachosemekana kuna bomu limetegwa jirani na claroon hotell.mpaka muda hui ni kwamba watu wote wameondoshwa eneo la tukio na wataalamu wa kutegua mabomu washafika eneo hilo.polis pia wako eneo la tukio kuhakikisha kila kitu kinaenda sawa.

Habari zaidi mtazipata badae-isaackin

Msanii chipukizi toka Arusha "Gewe"

Msanii chipukizi toka Arusha "Gewe" anakuja na "we Mrembo" club Banger liloundwa pande za noizmekah arusha,Sikiliza HAPA na endelea kusupport muziki wa nyumbani



Dekula Band "Ngoma Ya Kilo"live 15-16/March/2013

Akadevu-Music present's;

Lady Neema,Bobo Sukari & Yaya Sella.
Dekula Band "Ngoma Ya Kilo"
Place:Lilla Wien"Little Nairobi"
Pendel:Södra Station

thousand protest over migration control

Over 3,000 people gathered in Swedish cities on Saturday to demonstrate against the clampdown on illegal migrants which has sparked accusations of "racial profiling" practices among the police.

An estimated 2,000 people gathered in the Kungsträdgården park in central Stockholm with banners, drums and whistles. There were speeches and performances on the park stage.

In Malmö, around 1,000 people marched from Möllevångstorget to Davidshallstorg, two squares in the city centre, reported regional newspaper Sydsvenskan.

There were also protests in Gothenburg and Uppsala, with several hundred participants according to local media reports.

The Stockholm demonstration was organized by Youth Against Racism (Ungdom mot Rasism) and by the youth associations of the Swedish Red Cross and Swedish Save the Children.

The demonstrators were protesting against the police's methods for searching for undocumented migrants under the so-called Reva project, which stands for Rättssäkert och effektivt verkställighetsarbete (Legal and effective execution of policy) and is part-financed by the European Return Fund.

The aim is to increase the number of deportations of illegal immigrants, but Reva has come under fire in recent weeks, sparking heated debates and social media campaigns.

The criticism has mainly focused on the police's ID controls in the Stockholm subway, with critics accusing the police of singling out foreign-looking people for controls and using vague grounds for stopping and searching commuters.

Swedish police are not allowed to stop and search individuals on the basis of their looks, names or the language they speak. In the subway, police have used suspicions of ticket violations as a pretence to stop people and check their IDs, critics claim.

"It is not OK to stop people in the subway just because they have dark hair and dark eyes," one Stockholm demonstrator, 19-year-old Angelina Younadam, told newspaper Svenska Dagbladet (SvD).

"I know three people who have been stopped for no reason. My parents came to Sweden as refugees but I am born here and I am just as Swedish as everyone else and should not have to be violated," said Angelina.

The police have denied that they are singling out foreign-looking people, but on Friday announced that border control officers would stop running ID checks on commuters in the underground as part of their effort to find and deport illegal immigrants.

The debate had taken too much effort, harming other operations, the police explained.

The Save the Children youth association described this as an important partial victory.

"It has strengthened our belief that it is possible to change and affect things as citizens in Sweden," Sara Thiringer of the Save the Children youth association told SvD.

"But the border police will continue to search for undocumented migrants and the inhumane refugee policy will continue," she added.

The Loca

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Uhuru Kenyatta wins presidency

Kenyatta wins presidency
50 minutes ago
Uhuru Kenyatta has hailed Kenya's elections as a "triumph of democracy"
Kenya's Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta has been confirmed as the winner of the presidential election, and vowed to work with his rivals.

He won 50.07% of the vote, officials said, narrowly avoiding a run-off.

But his main challenger, Raila Odinga, alleged massive fraud and said he would challenge the results of the "tainted election" in the Supreme Court.

Mr Kenyatta is set to face trial at the International Criminal Court over violence that followed the 2007 polls.

He is accused of fuelling the communal violence that saw more than 1,000 people killed and 600,000 forced from their homes.

'System failures'
After the results were announced, Mr Kenyatta told cheering supporters he would serve all Kenyans "without fear or favour".

Speaking at the Catholic University in Nairobi, he called on Mr Odinga and other leaders to "join us in moving our nation forward."

Earlier, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) said the latest elections had been complex, but also credible and transparent.

It said the turnout, at 86%, was the largest ever

IEBC chairman Issack Hassan praised the candidates who had already conceded victory and urged others to follow suit.

However, Mr Odinga, the current prime minister, said the electoral commission had "failed Kenyans" and that democracy itself was "on trial".

But after announcing his Supreme Court challenge, he also appealed for calm, saying: "Any violence could destroy this nation forever."

The BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse in Nairobi says this was the tightest of races with the narrowest of margins.

He says that how Mr Odinga now handles his supporters will determine whether his dispute stays in the courts or spills out on the streets.

Court process
Mr Kenyatta's Jubilee Coalition party said it was "proud and honoured for the trust" bestowed on it, adding that it had taken a message to the people and that "we are grateful to the people of Kenya for accepting this message".

Early on Saturday, small groups of Kenyatta supporters celebrated in Nairobi, hooting car horns and singing.

But the newly confirmed president could face difficult relations with Western countries.

In July, he is due to go on trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague for alleged crimes against humanity.

Mr Kenyatta's running mate, William Ruto, also faces similar charges. Both men deny the accusations.

In his victory speech, Mr Kenyatta restated his promise to co-operate "with all nations and international institutions".

The ICC has agreed to postpone Mr Ruto's trial by a month until May after his lawyers complained of not having enough time to prepare his defence.

Countries including the US and UK have hinted that Mr Kenyatta's election as president would have consequences for their relations with Kenya. The comments have been dismissed in Nairobi as foreign interference.

A new electronic system for transmitting vote results was designed to eliminate the risk of fraud, and thus avoid a repeat of the post-poll violence of 2007.

But the count has been plagued with technical glitches, including a programming error that led to the number of rejected votes being multiplied by a factor of eight.

Mr Odinga's Cord alliance had earlier complained that votes from 11 constituencies were missing, in effect leaving him more than 250,000 votes short.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Kibanda ateswa kama Ulimboka


MHARIRI Mtendaji wa Kampuni ya New Habari (2006) Ltd ambao ni wachapishaji wa magazeti ya Rai, Mtanzania, Dimba na Bingwa, Absalom Kibanda, amenusurika kifo baada ya kuvamiwa na watu wasiojulikana nyumbani kwake kisha kupigwa na kujeruhiwa vibaya.
Kibanda ambaye pia ni Mwenyekiti wa Jukwaa la Wahariri Tanzania (TEF) alipigwa na kitu kizito chenye ncha kali kichwani, kutobolewa jicho la kushoto, kung’olewa ukucha wa kidole cha mkono na meno.
Tukio hilo linakuja ikiwa ni miezi takriban tisa tangu kutekwa, kuteswa, kuumizwa vibaya, kung’olewa meno na kucha na kisha kutelekezwa msituni Mwenyekiti wa Jumuiya ya Madaktari nchini, Dk. Stephen Ulimboka, usiku wa Juni 26, mwaka jana.
Tangu kutokea kwa tukio la Dk. Ulimboka ambalo linafanana kabisa na hili la Kibanda, Jeshi la Polisi nchini limekuwa likitupiana mpira katika kueleza hatua zilizofikiwa kuwasaka watuhumiwa waliohusika.
Pamoja na mtuhumiwa mmoja anayedaiwa kuwa raia wa Kenya, Joshua Mulundi, kufikishwa mahakamani akidaiwa kuhusika na tukio hilo, bado Jeshi la Polisi halijawahi kumhoji Dk. Ulimboka wala watuhumiwa aliowataja kwa majina kuwa walihusika kumteka na kumtesa.
Katika tukio la Kibanda, inaelezwa kuwa watuhumiwa hao ambao hawajakamatwa walimtendea unyama huo akiwa nyumbani kwake eneo la Mbezi Beach usiku wa saa sita akiwa ndani ya gari akingojea kufunguliwa lango.
Tukio hili pia limetokea wakati Kibanda akikabiliwa na kesi ya uchochezi katika Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Kisutu ambapo anashitakiwa na Jamhuri akidaiwa kuchapisha makala katika gazeti la Tanzania Daima ambalo alikuwa Mhariri Mtendaji wake.
Kesi hiyo ambayo ilikuwa imepangwa kuendelea kusikilizwa jana, iliahirishwa baada ya mawakili wake kuwasilisha ombi mahakamani kueleza tatizo alilolipata mteja wao.
Kibanda anena
Akielezea tukio hilo kwa taabu kutokana na maumivu makali aliyoyapata, Kibanda alisema kuwa akiwa amesimama langoni ghafla alishtukia gari lake likivunjwa kioo, na katika harakati za kutaka kutambua nini kinaendelea, alivamiwa na watu hao.
“Baada ya kuona hali hiyo nilitaka kujiokoa kwa kukimbia lakini nilianguka, hivyo wakaanza kunishambulia kwa kunipiga nondo kichwani na sehemu mbalimbali za mwili, wakanikata kidole kwa kuing’oa kucha na kunitoboa jicho la kushoto,” alisema.
Kibanda aliongeza kuwa baada ya kumtendea unyama huo, alimsikia mmoja wao aliyekuwa na silaha ya moto akiikoki risasi na kisha kumuuliza mkuu wao, “afande tummalizie?”
Bashe atoa kauli
Ofisa Mtendaji Mkuu wa New Habari (2006) Ltd Hussein Bashe, alimkariri Kibanda akisema kuwa alivamiwa na watu watatu waliokuwa wamejihami kwa silaha za moto na jadi.
Bashe alisema kuwa alikaa ofisini na Kibanda hadi usiku wa saa tano na kumtangulia kidogo kwenda nyumbani, lakini baadaye akapigiwa simu na kuelezwa kuwa amevamiwa akiwa nyumbani kwake na kujeruhiwa.
Alisema tukio hilo ni la kusikitisha na linapaswa kulaaniwa na kila mpenda uhuru wa kupata habari, kwa kile alichoeleza hakuna mtu mwenye haki ya kumhukumu mwenzie kwa mtindo walioufanya kwa Kibanda.
Bashe alisema pamoja na jitihada za madaktari wa Kitengo cha Mifupa cha Muhimbili (MOI) bado wameshauriwa kumpeleka Afrika Kusini kwa ajili ya uchunguzi zaidi katika jicho lake ambalo linaonekana kupata athari zaidi kuliko sehemu nyingine.
“Madaktari wametuhakikishia katika vipimo walivyomfanyia kuwa hakuna madhara yoyote makubwa bali yuko salama, hivyo na hawa ni wataalamu wetu ambao tunawashukuru kwa juhudi zao,” alisema.
TEF waonya
Akizungumza kwa niaba ya waandishi na wahariri wa habari waliofurika kwa wingi hospitalini hapo, Makamu Mwenyekiti wa Jukwaa la Wahariri (TEF), Theophil Makunga, alisema tukio hilo limefanywa na watu waoga ambao wanadhani kwa kufanya hivyo wataweza kuwanyamazisha waandishi.
Alisema tukio hilo halina uhusiano wowote na ujambazi, bali ni dhamira ya watu waliokuwa wakitaka roho ya mhusika kwa kuwa hawakuchukua vitu vilivyomo ndani ya gari lake.
“Hatuwezi kutenganisha tukio hili na kazi yake hata kama wahusika hawakuonesha dalili ya kuchukua vitendea kazi vya kuwasaidia. Tunachoweza kuamini ni kuwa hili ni tukio la kutaka kuvinyamazisha na kuviogopesha vyombo vya habari,” alisema.
Makunga alisema jukwaa litafanya uchunguzi wa kina ili kubaini matukio mbalimbali ya kushambuliwa waandishi wa habari yanayoshika kasi kila kukicha.
“Nawaomba waandishi tuwe na moyo wa subira wakati uchunguzi wa kutekwa na kuteswa kwa mwenyekiti huyu ukiendelea kujua ukweli,” aliongeza.
Mbowe: Watuhumiwa wasakwe
Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA), Freeman Mbowe, alikuwa miongoni mwa viongozi wachache wa kitaifa waliofika Moi kumjulia hali Kibanda na kisha kulifananisha tukio hilo kama uharamia.
Mbowe alisema kuwa vyombo vya dola vinatakiwa kuchukua hatua za haraka ili kulinda uhuru wa habari na wanahabari nchini, huku akisisitiza umoja wa kushikamana kwa kipindi chote.
“Tunaitaka serikali kuchunguza kwa kina suala hili la Kibanda, kwani ni la kiharamia, si mara ya kwanza watu kufanyiwa kama hivi hapa nchini,” alisema.
Aliongeza kuwa wanahabari wanatakiwa kuendeleza mshikamano muda wote pasipo kurudi nyuma.
Mengi: Wahusika watajwe
Naye Mwenyekiti Mtendaji wa makampuni ya IPP ambaye pia ni Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha Wamiliki wa Vyombo vya Habari nchini (MOAT), Reginald Mengi, alisema suala hilo wamelipokea kwa masikitiko na hawakutegemea litokee.
“Tukio hili ni kubwa na kwa sasa MOAT tunataka kuhakikisha tunaokoa maisha ya mwenzetu na baadaye tutakaa kuamua cha kufanya,” alisisitiza.
Mengi ambaye alifika hospitalini hapo mapema na kuungana na wanahabari pamoja na ndugu zake Kibanda, mara kwa mara alirejea kauli ya kuwataka wanahabari kutumia taaluma yao vizuri na kufanya kazi bila woga.
“Naomba mzingatie maadili na taaluma, sote tuwe kitu kimoja juu ya hili na zaidi tufanye uchunguzi wa kutosha ili kuweza kuripoti bila kuingiliana na wengine,” alisema.
Alisema waandishi wanapaswa kutambua kuwa kuna mikakati ya kuwagawa inayofanywa na watu wasiotaka kuguswa masilahi yao, kwamba matukio kama hayo ni njia moja ya kuwatisha na kuwakatisha tamaa.
“Haya ni mambo ya kusikitisha, wapo waliokuwa wanauliza kwanini Kubenea (Saed) alitibiwa au kwanini kulifanyika jitihada za kumsaidia Dk. Ulimboka. Sasa majina ya wahusika wa uharamia huu yanapaswa kutajwa hadharani,” alisema Mengi.
Mengi aliongeza kuwa walijadiliana na kuamua kuteua watu wawili watakaokwenda Afrika Kusini kwa ajili ya kushughulikia matibabu ya Kibanda. Waliokwenda ni mke wa Kibanda na mwandishi wa habari, Erick Kabendera.
Zanzibar watoa pole
Jumuiya ya Waandishi wa Habari za Maendeleo Zanzibar (Wahamaza), nayo ilieleza kupokea kwa mshituko na masikitiko makubwa habari za kuvamia na kumjeruhi vibaya Kibanda.
Katika taarifa yao kwa vyombo vya habari, walisema kuwa wanaungana na wengine katika tasnia ya habari na watetezi wa haki za binadamu kulaani kitendo hicho cha kumjeruhi Kibanda.
“Tunatoa pole kwa Kibanda, familia yake, Jukwaa la wahariri, pamoja na ofisi yake kutokana na tukio hilo, na kumuomba Mwenyeji Mungu ampe afya kwa haraka.
Katibu wa Wahamaza, Salma Said, alisema kuwa viongozi wa serikali na polisi wanapaswa kuchukua hatua za haraka za kuhakikisha kuwa watu waliohusika na tukio hilo wanakamatwa kwani limekuja muda mfupi wakati wananchi wakiwa na hofu ya matukio ya kushambuliwa kwa viongozi wa dini visiwani Zanzibar.
Nao waandishi, wanaharakati na wadau mbalimbali wa habari mkoani Arusha walieleza kusikitishwa na tukio hilo na hivyo kuwatahadharisha waandishi nchini kuwa makini.
Katibu wa klabu ya waandishi wa habari mkoani, Arusha Eliya Mbonea, aliwataka wanahabari kulichukulia tukio hilo kama somo kwao na kuongeza tahadhari.
Polisi yaanza uchunguzi
Jeshi la Polisi Kanda Maalumu ya Dar es Salaam limewataka waandishi wa habari kushirikiana katika kutoa taarifa ya uchunguzi ya wahalifu waliomteka na kumjeruhi, Kibanda.
Akizungumza jana Kamanda wa kanda hiyo, Suleiman Kova, alisema kuwa ni mapema juu ya uchunguzi wa kuwabaini waliohusika katika tukio hilo.
Kova alisema Kibanda ndiye anafaa kuwa shahidi wa kwanza katika tukio hilo, wa kusema kilichotokea lakini kutokana na hali yake hawezi kuhojiwa hadi apate ahueni.
Kova alisema tukio hilo ni kubwa na Jeshi la Polisi Makao Makuu limetoa askari wanne ambao wataungana pamoja na wale wa Kanda Maalumu ya Dar es Salaam ambao wamebobea katika uchunguzi.
Wanaharakati wazungumza
Naye mwanaharakati Onesmo ole Ngurumwa, alisema matukio haya yanajirudia na kwamba walikwishatoa tahadhari hivi karibuni kuwa hali si nzuri kiusalama hususan kuelekea uchaguzi wa serikali za mitaa mwaka 2014.
Ole Ngurumwa alisema kuna tatizo katika vyombo vinavyosimamia usalama kwani vimekuwa vikifanya kazi kwa ubaguzi.
Alitolea mfano tukio la Dk. Ulimboka na mwanaharakati mmoja aliyeuawa mkoani Mara kwamba hadi leo polisi matukio yote hayo na mengine haijayatolea taarifa za kukamatwa waliohusika.
“Kuna taarifa nyingi tu za vitisho kwa wanaharakati, waandishi wa habari na watu wengine lakini bado havifanyiwi uchunguzi, hali ambayo ni ya hatari,”alisema.
Alisema ni lazima waandishi wenyewe wakajiimarishia ulinzi wao kwa kujenga ushirikiano bila kajali tofauti zao.
Ole Ngulumwa alisema matukio hayo yanatokana na waandishi kuibua uozo wa baadhi ya watendaji wasiopenda kutenda haki sasa wanapoguswa huamua kuwadhuru waandishi.
Naye mwandishi mkongwe nchini, Jenerali Ulimwengu, alisema kwa sasa wananchi wanapaswa kusubiri ripoti ya Jeshi la Polisi watasema nini juu ya tukio hilo.
Alisema ni wazi watu waliomdhuru Kibanda walikuwa na dhamira ya kumuondolea uhai wake, kwa kuwa kama wangekuwa ni wezi wangeweza kuchukua vitu vilivyokuwa katika gari lake.
“Hawa ni watu wasiompenda Kibanda, naipa pole familia yake, watu wa tasnia ya habari juu ya ukatili huu uliofanywa kwa mwenzetu. Cha msingi tutoe nafasi kwanza kwa ajili ya uchunguzi alisema,” Ulimwengu.
Tukio la kuvamiwa na kuumizwa kwa waandishi wa habari si geni nchini kwani katika miaka ya karibuni Mhariri Mtendaji wa gazeti la MwahaHalisi, Saed Kubenea, alivamiwa ofisini na kumwagiwa tindikali usoni huku mwandishi mwenzake, Ndimara Tegambwage, akikatwa mapanga kichwani.
Pia Septemba 2, mwaka jana, mwandishi wa habari wa kituo cha Channel Ten mkoani Iringa, Daudi Mwangosi, aliuawa kwa kulipuliwa na bomu akiwa kazini kijijini Nyololo.
