Monday, 29 April 2013

Historic prayer call heard at Stockholm mosque


Historic prayer call heard at Stockholm mosque

Worshippers at the Fittja mosque in southern Stockholm on Friday heard Sweden's first-ever call to prayer, which brought some congregation members to tears of joy.

Guluz Kayhan, 45, had tears in her eyes when the notes of Sweden's first-ever call to prayer ended and worshippers hurried up the steps of the mosque.

"I don't go to the mosque as often as before but I wanted to experience this," she told The Local as she wiped tears from her blue eyes. Flanked by her two daughters, Kayhan made her way inside, slipping off her shoes.

"I'm really proud of Sweden," said her daughters' friend Havva Göcmenoglu, 24. "I am proud of being part of a society that respects different religions."

Yet as the spring sun broke through the clouds after a bitterly dour morning, two men in a red Volvo 740 crept up to the curb and halted, just to spin their wheels so furiously the rubber shrieked as much as it burned. People making their way into the mosque turned their heads, but most seemed intent on ignoring the odd act.

The congregation was a mix of people who moved to Sweden from countries such as Turkey decades ago, but a number of people who immigrated more recently joined in too. 

IN PICTURES: Historic first as Stockholm imam calls to prayer

Kashif Rashid, 28, from Lahore in Pakistan just left Italy to join his brother in Sweden. 

"In Italy I didn't even have a mosque to go to," he said on his way to the mosque, which is nestled in a beech copse just by a lake lined with the hulls of hibernating boats. 

"For two years I have not heard this," he beamed. 

His enthusiasm was shared by others heading to pray. Abdi Muhammad, 27, originally from Somalia, travelled to Fittja from Rinkeby on the far other end of Stockholm

"Thank you to the government," he said. 

Friday's prayer call came following a decision earlier this month by local police who ruled that it wouldn't violate local noise ordinances. The ruling allowed the prayer call for between three to five minutes on Fridays between midday and 1pm. 

Back in September, local government officials had approved the move in principle, voting in favour of scrapping a 1994 prohibition on allowing prayer calls, which dated back from before the construction of the mosque. 

The mosque was built in 2007 in the municipality's Fittja district and has over 1,500 members

Among veterans in the congregation, reactions were equally elated.

"The Swedes have pure hearts," said Fawzia Choudry, 46, who came to Sweden from Pakistan decades ago.

"We threw our hands in the air in delight when we heard the ruling, because at first nobody thought they'd give the permission." 

Her daughter Toba, 21, used the Azan (call to prayer) app on her pink-encased iPhone in the meantime.

"People are so busy working this really is a good reminder," she said. 

"This is so important for us Muslims and I think in general Sweden, alongside England, is much more tolerant than other European countries such as France." 
the lokal
Ann Törnkvist

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Ommy Djmpoz ndani ya Stockholm now

OMmy DImpowz kama anavyojiita kashaingia stockholm tayari kuwarusha hapa tupo nae ubalozini.ww mtanzania jitokeze kusupport music wa home.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Wa Maasai watetea ardhi yao Tanzania

Katika kijiji kimoja Kaskazini mwa Tanzania, ndege aina ya Boeing 747 zinatua kwenye kiwanja binafsi, magari yenye nambari za usajili za milki za kiarabu, zikiendeshwa katika eneo hilo na yeyote mwenye simu ya mkononi anapotua hapo hupokea ujumbe ambao haukutarajiwa:
Kwa karne nyingi, (Savanna) katika eneo la Arusha lilikuwa makao kwa watu wa jamii ya wamaasai lakini siku hizi mtu sasa anaweza kudhania yuko Dubai moja ya nchi za milki za kiarabu.''Hujambo mgeni na karibu UAE.''
Hii ni kwa sababu sehemu kubwa ya ardhi mjini Arusha hasa katika eneo la Loliondo karibu na mbuga ya kitaifa ya wanyama ya Serengeti imekodishwa kwa kampuni ya uwindaji ya Emirati iitwayo Ortello
Tangu mwaka 1992, kampuni hiyo imekuwa ikiwapeleka kwa ndege watalii matajiri zaidi kuwinda simba na wanyama wengine hali iliyowaghadhabisha wenyeji wa eneo hilo ambao ni wamaasai ambao wamezuiwa kuwalisha mifugo wao katika maeneo ya kuwinda.
Sasa serikali ya Tanzania inataka kutoa ardhi zaidi kwa wawindaji hao kwa lengo la kujenga barabara ya umbali wa kilomita 1,500 ambako wanyamapori watakuwa wakipita kwa manufaa ya kampuni hiyo ya uwandaji.
Mpango huo utawaathiri takriban watu 30,000 watakaoachwa bila makao na pia kuwaathiri maelfu ya wengine, ambao huwalisha mifugo wao katika maeneo hayo wakati wa msimu wa kiangazi.

Wamaasai wameghadhabishwa mno na hata kufanya maandamano, wakisema kuwa maisha yao yataathirika pakubwa.
Zaidi ya asilimia ya 90 ya wakaazi wa Loliondo ni wa Maasai ambao hutegemea kuwalisha mifugo wao nyasi kutoka eneo ambalo serikali inanuia kuwakodishia waarabu.
"bila Ardhi hatuwezi kuishi,'' anasema mama Naishirita Tenemeri, mwenye watoto watatu.
Bi Tenemeri anafuga Ng'ombe na Mbuzi eneo la Loliondo, ili kuwanunulia chakula na kuwalipia karo ya shule wanawe.

Wa Maasai wana historia ya kupoteza ardhi yao nchini Tanzania tangu wazungu walipowahamisha kutoka mbuga ya Serengeti mwaka 1959.

Mapema mwezi huu, Bi Tenemeri, akiwa amejifunga shuka yake nyekundu, alijiunga na watu 1,000 wengi wao wakiwa wanawake chini ya miti ya mivule, katika kijiji cha Olorien kupinga mipango ya serikali kuuza ardhi yao.
Wengine walitembea kwa siku nyingi kuonyesha ghadhabu yao kwa kujiondoa katika chama tawala cha CCM kama wanachama.
"ikiwa sina ardhi, sina mahala pa kujifungulia watoto wangu,'' alisema Bi Morkelekei Gume,akitupa kadi yake ya uwanachama wa CCM chini .
"mwanangu yuko katika shule ya upili, kwa sababu ya nyasi zinazotoka hapa.''
''Ikiwa wanataka ardhi yangu wanaweza kuniua.''

Mwanamke mmasaai anashikia bango linalosema "tutapigania ardhi yetu hadi mwisho wake.'' Wanawake hapa ndio wamekuwa wakisikika zaidi katika maandamano yao.
Wanawake wamekuwa wakisikika zaidi, wameathirika zaidi kutokana na hatua ya serikali kuwafukuza, wakiachwa bila kazi kuwalea watoto wao kwa hali ngumu wakati wanaume wakienda katika sehemu za miji ambako wanapata kazi kama walinzi.
Pia wameongoza maandamano tangu viongozi wao wa kisiasa waliopinga mpango wa ujenzi wa barabara waliokuwa wamesema wataondoka katika chama tawala kukosa kutimiza ahadi zao.
Eneo la Loliondo lina wanyama wengi wa porini na hivyo kuvutia watalii ingawa sio wengi. Linapakana na mbuga ya wanyama ya Maasai Mara iliyoko Kenya pamoja na hifadhi ya wanyama ya Ngorongoro.
Waziri wa utalii Khamis Kagasheki anatetea hatua ya serikali kutaka kuwaondoa wamasaai katika eneo hilo akisema kuwa mradi huo utasaidia katika kuendeleza uhifadhi kwani Maasai wametumia ardhi hiyo vibaya.

Lakini wasomi wanasema kuwa jamii ya wamaasai kawaida hawaathiri wanyamapori.

"nina swali moja kubwa kwa wanaosema kuwa wamaasai ni tisho kubwa kwa wanyamapori kuliko kampuni hiyo ya kiarabu ya OBC," alisema Benjamin Gardner wa chuo kikuu cha Washington na ambaye amesomea maswala ya ardhi miongoni mwa wamaasai kwa miongo miwili.

Ni nadra kwa wamaasai kuwinda wanyama na hutumia ardhi kuzuia baadhi ya wanyama kujifungulia huko kwani ni tisho kwa mifugo wao.
Mashirika 13 ya kijamii kutoka kote nchini Tanzania, yamesema kuwa wamaasai, wana vibali vichache sana vya kumiliki ardhi, na kuwa serikali inawapotosha watu
Viongozi wa jamii hiyo wanapanga kwenda mahakamani kuishtaki serikali, lakini wanahofia kuwa huenda swala hilo likakosa kutatuliwa haraka kwani kuna kesi moja iliyowasilishwa mwaka 2009 na haijapata ufumbuzi hadi wa leo.

Omar Mustafa and the Social Democrats

Omar Mustafa and the Social Democrats

Omar Mustafa has served as chairman of Sweden’s Islamic Association (Islamiska förbundet) since December 4th 2010 and was elected as a substitute member of the governing board of the Social Democratic party on April 7th 2013.

Mustafa served as a board member of the party's local district in Stockholm (Arbetarekommun) after his election in 2012.

Why has he been in all the papers for the past fortnight?

His election was met with criticism by senior party members, including current and former leaders Stefan Löfven and Mona Sahlin, and he stepped down from all positions of responsibility within the party six days later.

Why was his election criticized?

Anti-racist magazine Expo published an article on April 8th reporting that Omar Mustafa had been criticized for "not having distanced himself from anti-Semites".

The article cited Willy Silberstein from the Swedish Committee Against Antisemitism, (SCAA), who accused Mustafa of having given legitimacy to Egyptians Sallah Sultan and Ragheb Al-Serjany by inviting them to speak at an event organized by the Swedish Islamic Association in 2010.

He was also criticized by Silberstein for having said in a debate on Sveriges Radio in 2010 that Mustafa Yousef Al-Qaradawi was "often very balanced in his rhetoric".

The debate has also been extended to criticism of the appearance of Yasir Qadhi, Azzam Tamimi and Yvonne Ridley at the association's "family days" in Stockholm in March 2013.

Criticism of these speakers centres around the issues of anti-Semitism, homophobia and support for terrorism, and for Hamas. 

What was Omar Mustafa’s response to the criticism?

In an article published in the Aftonbladet daily on April 11th, Mustafa was conciliatory and expressed understanding for the criticism. 

“I fully understand the view of critics that the participation of these people can be construed as legitimizing a hate-filled and intolerant view,” he wrote.

He declared that the Islamic Association “needs to be better” at ensuring that speakers have distanced themselves from previous hate-filled rhetoric before inviting them to Sweden.

He underlined that he stands behind the Swedish marriage law, “which among other things gives homosexuals the right to marry”. He also stated that he sees “women’s rights as human rights” and underlined his belief in “a society which is characterized by diversity and equality”.

However, when the Islamic Association was first criticized of connections to anti-Semitism in 2011, Mustafa adopted a distinctly different tone, dismissing accusations as Islamophobia.

Mustafa insisted at the time that the association would “continue to invite known and relevant Muslim speakers” to its events “regardless of what... the Islamophobes say and think”.

So what happened next?

Criticism of Omar Mustafa and the Islamic Association continued in the media throughout the week. Mona Sahlin, among others, accused Mustafa personally of anti-Semitism although she has since distanced herself from the comments.

He has also been accused of making homophobic statements.

The Svenska Dagbladet daily reported on April 20th that it had searched the Swedish press archive and Omar Mustafa’s social media activity over the past three years and found nothing of an anti-Semitic or homophobic nature.

Mustafa was however found by the Aftonbladet daily to have argued against the party line when using his Twitter account in March 2011 to call for fighter aircraft to be sent to attack Israel.

The Svenska Dagbladet report also discounted a claim, originally made by Social Democrat Vivianne Macdisi, that the Islamic Association’s bylaws (see link below) stipulated a distinction between the status of women and men. 

The document in question was on the website until recently but was buried in an archive of translated documents and was not part of the association’s bylaws.

On Saturday April 13th Social Democrat party leader Stefan Löfven issued an ultimatum to Omar Mustafa saying that he had to share the party’s values in response to a question as to whether Mustafa could remain as chair of the Islamic Association and sit on the party’s executive board.

Later on Saturday Omar Mustafa resigned from all posts within the party after discussions with the party's head in Stockholm, Veronica Palm.

So that was the end of that?

No. The story remains in the news following statements by Omar Mustafa criticizing the party and accusing his critics of Islamophobia.

He has received support from representatives of Social Democratic faith groups, such as Peter Weiderud and Ulf Bjereld, and further criticism from senior party veterans such as Nalin Pekgul.

In an analysis posted on his blog on April 18th, political scientist Andreas Johansson Heinö argued that "the Mustafa-affair is here to stay" explaining that the issue has left divisions in the party, the media and other sections of society.

"We are now in a situation where the party is deeply split on something as fundamental as Islamism. Are Omar Mustafa and the Islamic Association Islamist or not? Is this consistent with Social Democracy or not?"

"That a party the size of the Social Democrats is caught out by these questions is completely astounding," Johansson Heinö concluded. 

by the lokal

Tripoli: French embassy in Libya hit by car bomb

The BBC's Rana Jawad reports from Tripoli
A car bomb has exploded outside the French embassy in the Libyan capital Tripoli, wounding two French guards and several residents.
The blast in Tripoli destroyed the embassy's ground-floor reception area and perimeter wall, as well as damaging neighbouring homes and shops.
French President Francois Hollande called on Libya to act swiftly over this "unacceptable" attack.
It is the first major attack on a foreign embassy in the Libyan capital.
Tuesday's explosion happened shortly after 07:00 (05:00 GMT) in a smart residential area of Tripoli.
One of the embassy's guards was severely injured while the other suffered lighter injuries. Several residents were also slightly hurt.

Start Quote

One young girl suffered a spinal cord injury and was being transferred to neighbouring Tunisia for treatment, her father told the BBC.
The blast took place in a small side street and left a scene of devastation, the BBC's Rana Jawad in Tripoli reports.
As well as extensive damage to the embassy building and perimeter wall, two nearby homes were badly damaged and others affected, while the windows of a shop were blown out and two parked cars were burnt out.
Many neighbours who gathered in the street to survey the damage were shaken and upset by what had happened, our correspondent says.
They told her that there was a lack of proper policing for such a potentially high-profile target.

"It was a big mistake to site the French embassy in our neighbourhood," a local resident said.
President Hollande said the attack had targeted "all countries in the international community engaged in the fight against terrorism".
"France expects the Libyan authorities to shed the fullest light on this unacceptable act, so that the perpetrators are identified and brought to justice," he said.
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius - who has arrived in Libya to see for himself the damage - said French officials would work closely with the Libyan authorities to find out who was responsible for what he called an "odious act".
Libyan Foreign Minister Mohammed Abdel Aziz condemned the bombing as a "terrorist act", but did not speculate on who might be behind it.
No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.
French embassies across northern Africa have been on high alert since France sent in troops to help fight an Islamist insurgency in Mali in January.
France, under Nicolas Sarkozy, was at the forefront of Nato-led air strikes in 2011 that helped rebel forces topple long-time Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
The US consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi was attacked by armed men in September 2012, leading to the killing of ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other American officials.

Monday, 22 April 2013





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Saturday, 20 April 2013

Asylum seekers' hunger strike growing in Sweden

Six people from Afghanistan and Iran went on hunger strike on Sunday in an asylum seekers' residence managed by the Swedish Migration Board (Migrationsverket) in HolmsundVästerbotten county.

On Thursday, five Afghani men started a hunger strike protest outside the offices of the Migration Board in BodenNorbotten county.

Eleven Afghanis and Iranians have gone on hunger strike in the north of Sweden after their asylum applications were turned down.

The Afghani men in Boden have taped their mouths shut to demonstrate that they are refusing to eat or drink, reported local newspaper Norrländska Socialdemokraten (NSD).

They have been in Sweden between two and four years but recently received notice that they will not be granted the right to remain.

"They are prepared to keep up their hunger strike until they get residence permits or until they die," said Ajmal Zadran, a spokesman for the Afghanis.

There are between 100 and 150 Afghanis in Boden and Zadran said that more men are prepared to join the hunger strike.

The six Afghani and Iranian asylum seekers in Holmsund are also protesting against their deportation orders. Two of them were taken to hospital late Thursday night as their condition worsened, reported Sveriges Television (SVT).

The Migration Board called in extra staff to the asylum seekers' residence in Holmsund.

"We are doing so in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong," Migration Board spokesman Fredrik Bengtsson told news agency TT.

According to Bengtsson, the Migration Board is well aware of the current situation in Afghanistan and said that is why around 75 percent of Afghani asylum seekers are granted residence permits in Sweden.

"But we have to make individual judgements," said Bengtsson. There is no general need of protection for Afghanis. You still need to be under personal threat [to be granted asylum] and many are," he said.

TT/The Local/

Friday, 19 April 2013

Makinda kuamua hatima ya Lissu leo

Chanzo cha kutimuliwa ni kuwazuia askari wa Bunge kumtoa nje Lissu ambaye alikuwa ameamriwa kutoka nje na Naibu Spika, Job Ndugai baada ya kuingilia hotuba ya Mbunge wa Iramba Mashariki, Mwigulu Nchemba (CCM).
Dodoma. Spika wa Bunge, Anne Makinda amesema leo atatoa mwongozo kuhusu tukio la Naibu Spika, Job Ndugai kuwasimamisha wabunge sita wa Chadema.
Juzi, Ndugai aliwasimamisha wabunge hao Tundu Lissu (Singida Mashariki), Joseph Mbilinyi (Mbeya Mjini), Mchungaji Peter Msigwa (Iringa Mjini), Highness Kiwia (Ilemela), Ezekiah Wenje (Nyamagana) na Godbless Lema wa Arusha Mjini kutohudhuria Bunge kwa siku tano kutokana na alichokiita kufanya vurugu ndani ya bunge.
Hatua hiyo ya Spika Makinda imekuja baada ya Kiongozi wa Kambi Rasmi ya Upinzani Bungeni, Freeman Mbowe kumtaka aeleze Ndugai alitumia kanuni gani kuwasimamisha wabunge hao.
Jana, baada ya kipindi cha maswali na majibu, Mbowe alisimama na kuomba mwongozo wa Spika akitumia Kanuni ya 68(7) inayosema; “Hali kadhalika, Mbunge anaweza kusimama wakati wowote ambapo hakuna mbunge mwingine anayasema na kuomba “Mwongozo wa Spika” kuhusu jambo ambalo limetokea bungeni mapema, ili Spika atoe ufafanuzi kama jambo hilo linaruhusiwa au haliruhusiwi kwa mujibu wa Kanuni za Bunge na majibu ya Spika yatatolewa papohapo au baadaye, kadri anavyoona inafaa.”
Mbowe alisema Kanuni ya 73(3) ndiyo inayompa ruhusa Naibu Spika na Spika kuwasimamisha wabunge na aliisoma: “Endapo Mbunge yeyote atatakiwa kuthibitisha ukweli wa maneno aliyoyasema na hadi kufikia mwisho wa muda alipopewa amekataa au ameshindwa kutoa uthibitisho huo, Spika anaweza kumsimamisha mbunge huyo asihudhurie vikao vya Bunge visivyozidi vitano.
“Kwa mujibu wa yaliyotokea jana (juzi) ilitokea sintofahamu katika matumizi ya kifungu hiki wakati tulitegemea Kifungu cha 74(1) ndicho kingetumika kwani kama mbunge amedharau mamlaka ya Spika jina lake linaweza kupelekwa kwenye Kamati ya Haki, Maadili na Madaraka ya Bunge,” alisema Mbowe na kuongeza: “Mheshimiwa Spika nataka mwongozo wako kujua Naibu Spika alitumia kanuni gani?”
Awali, Spika Makinda aliahidi kutoa mwongozo wake baadaye jioni kabla ya kuahidi kufanya hivyo leo wakati akiahirisha shughuli za Bunge jana.
Awali, baada ya mwongozo wa Mbowe, Spika Makinda alimruhusu Mbunge wa Kawe, Halima Mdee kuomba mwongozo wake na aliposimama alisema: “Mwongozo wangu uko palepale katika kanuni ileile iliyoombwa na kiongozi wa kambi ya upinzani.”
Kabla hajamaliza, Spika alimkatisha na kumweleza kuwa hawezi kutoa nafasi ya mwongozo wa kitu hichohicho.
Alimruhusu Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali (AG), Jaji Frederick Werema ambaye alisema: “Waandishi walioandika kanuni hizi kwamba jambo lilitokea mapema hawakumaanisha jana.”
Kabla Jaji Werema hajamaliza, Mbunge wa Ubungo (Chadema), John Mnyika alisimama lakini Spika alimzuia na kuwakatisha wote akisema: “Waheshimiwa wabunge, hakuna kitu kinachowaharibia wananchi kama kilichotokea jana (juzi), jana (juzi) hakuna kitu kilichojadiliwa zaidi ya kuleta zahama.”
Nchemba tena
Alimruhusu Mbunge wa Iramba Magharibi (CCM), Mwigulu Nchemba kuendelea kutoa mchango wake ambao ulikatishwa kutokana na vurugu za juzi na jana nusura tena tafrani izuke kati yake na Mnyika hasa baada ya Nchemba kueleza suala la mabaraza ya Katiba kuwa utaratibu ulipitishwa bungeni na wabunge wote.
Alisema kinachotaka kujengwa na wapinzani hakipo kwa kuwa katika Jimbo la Karatu lililoko chini ya upinzani, wenyeviti wa mabaraza ya Katiba walichaguliwa wa CCM.


Thursday, 18 April 2013

Traffic Light Party - DAR April 30, 2013 to May 1, 2013

Time: April 30, 2013 to May 1, 2013
Location: Golden Jubliee Tower, 4th Floor
Organized By: GongaMx Entertainment

Event Description:
Another Exquisite Party embedded with Dress codes, where Green dress code implies Single individuals, Red implies Taken while Yellow its for those who dares to try as its a bit complicated...


kipindi bolingo ikipigwa sawa sawa.JB Mpiana alifika hapa stockholm mara ya mwisho mwaka 2007.hata hivyo siku hiyo perfomance yake ilipooza kwani ndio ilikua kipindi akiugulia machungu ya kuporwa mke na Didi kinuani.toka hapo kwa sasa sioni wanamuziki kuja sana Europe kwani kuna hawa jamaa wakimbizi wa Kicongo wanajiita Le-combantant wanaandamana kupinga concert kufanywa ulaya wakidai kwamba nchi yao ina matatizo hawahitaji starehe(kama kweli vile).mfano mdogo ni pale alikuja Fally Ipupa mara ya kwanza wakatishia wametega bomu ukumbini.waswede kama kawaida yao wakasema ok then hamna concert.mara ya pili pia kwa huyo huyo Fally waliandamana pale Gamla stan nje tu ya ukumbi ambao Fally ipupa alikua akipiga,baada ya hapo waliingia watu ishirini tu kwani wale waandamanaji walikua nje wakizuia watu hata waliolipia ticket kabla kuingia!
hao jamaa wana mtandao mkubwa,wapo Belgium,Canada,na nchi zingine kibao.

unaweza kuwaona hapo chini walipoandamana kupinga concert ya Fally Ipupa.

Maganga wana kaaaaz kwel kwel!

Mwimbaji Bi Kidude aaga Dunia Zanzibar

Mwimbaji nguli wa muziki wa tarabu nchini Tanzania Fatma binti Baraka, maarufu kama Bi Kidude amefariki Jumatano kisiwani Zanzibar akiwa na umri wa zaidi ya miaka 100.
Taarifa ya kifo chake ilitolewa na mjukuu wake Fatuma Baraka ambaye pia ni muimbaji wa Taraabu. Alisema Bi Kidude alifariki hospitalini kutokana na maradhi ya kisukari na uvimbe kwenye Kongosho.
Bi Kidude amekuwa katika fani ya muziki wa taarab ya kiasili pamoja na ngoma za unyago kwa zaidi ya robo tatu ya umri wake.
Katika miaka ya karibuni afya yake imekuwa ikizorota kiasi cha serikali ya Zanzibar kumzuia kupanda majukwaani kuburudisha japokuwa alionekana katika tamasha la Sauti za Busara mwezi Februari mwaka huu.
Mipango ya mazishi ya nguli huyu inafanywa nyumbani kwake Zanzibar.
Wengi, hasa vijana wa kizazi kipya wanamfahamu Bi. Kidude kwa uwezo wake mkubwa wa kuimba taarabu kwa kuchanganya lugha ya kiswahili na ile ya kiarabu. Nyimbo zake za kiarabu mara nyingi zimekuwa na ladha kama ile ya aliyekuwa mwimbaji gwiji wa Misri Ummu Kulthumu.
Sio uimbaji tu uliomfikisha Bi. Kidude alipofika, bali uwezo wake pia wa kutunga mashairi, kutumia ala za mziki kama vile kupiga ngoma na hata ngoma za unyago, vyote hivi vilimuweka Bi. Kidude katika nafasi tofauti katika jamii.
Alikuwa na tabia ya kumwita kila mtu 'mwanangu,' ingawa yeye mwenyewe hakubahatika kupata mtoto. Katika mahojiano aliyofanyiwa na vyombo mbali mbali vya habari, mwenyewe alisikika akisema, ingawa alikuwa na hamu ya kupata mtoto, lakini Mwenyezi Mungu hakumjaalia.
Katika miaka ya hivi karibuni, Bi. Kidude alishirikishwa sana na wasanii wengine katika kazi zao. Miongoni mwao ni Ahmada Amelewa, Fid Q Juhudi za Wasiojiweza.
Mbali na hayo, mashirika mbali mbali yakiwemo ya kibiashara na yale yasiyo ya kiserikali yaliona mvuto aliokuwa nao Bi. Kidude katika jamii, hivyo wakamtumia katika matangazo mbali mbali maarufu likiwa lile la kutokemeza Malaria.
Ni bibi aliyebahatika kusafiri takriban duniani kote, na vilevile katika maisha yake alijinyakulia tuzo lukuki. Miongoni mwa hizo ni ile ya 2005 WOMEX ikiwa ni kutambua mchango wake mkubwa katika tasnia ya muziki.
Katika siku zake za mwisho, Bi. Kidude alikuwa akiumwa, lakini wengi wanahusisha kuumwa kwake na utu uzima aliokuwa nao.
Kifo chake ni pigo kubwa kwa wote, lakini zaidi ni wanamziki wa kizazi kipya waliokuwa wakimuona Bi. Kidude ni nyanya yao.


'Mustafa failed to heed warning last year'

'Mustafa failed to heed warning last year'

Social Democrats in Stockholm say they did not follow up after tellingOmar Mustafa a year ago to purge intolerant speakers from Islamic Association (Islamiska föreningen) meetings, before nominating him to the opposition party's governing board.

"We were certain that he had understood how serious the situation was last time and that he wouldn't repeat this mistake," said the party's Stockholm district (arbetarekommun) secretary Olle Burell to the TT new agency.

Burell admitted that he and his colleagues had not made sure a year later that Mustafa had followed through and purged the list of invited speakers of speakers known for intolerant views.

"It's one of the points that we've criticized ourselves about, we should have (checked up)," said Burell.

Mustafa landed at the centre of the Social Democrats' latest controversy just days after being elected to the party's governing board when reports emerged that the Islamic Association invited people with known anti-Semitic views to speak in Sweden.

On Saturday, party leader Stefan Löfven issued an ultimatum. Mustafa resigned from the party later the same day, less than a week after his election to the governing board, saying he was "forced out".

Burell, who took questions from the media instead of Stockholm district chair Veronica Palm who is also an MP, said the fault lay with the party's municipal district and not the party at large.

He added that Mustafa, once conversations were ongoing, did not make it clear enough he would refrain from inviting guests with intolerant views to speak at the Islamic Association.

"He would have needed to promise clearly never to use this method again as it had thrown up so many questions," Burell said.

"It became unsustainable when he wasn't clear enough."

Despite the fracas, Burell thought Palm would be reelected as chair of the Stockholm municipal district when it holds its annual meeting at the end of April. He added that it was perfectly normal for the district secretary to field questions in her stead.

Nevertheless, at least one Social Democrat MP has called for Palm to step down.

TT/The Local/at

Bungeni kwachafuka: Wabunge watano watolewa nje

Waziri wa Nchi, Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu, (Sera, Uratibu na Bunge), William Lukuvi (kulia) akizungumza na wabunge wa Chadema baada ya kikao cha kunge kualishwa jana mchana. Picha na Edwin Mjwahuzi 

Wabunge hao ni Lissu, Hezekiah Wenje (Nyamagana), Highness Kiwia (Ilemela), Joseph Mbilinyi (Mbeya Mjini) Godbless Lema (Arusha Mjini) na Mchungaji Peter Msigwa (Iringa Mjini).
Chanzo za kufukuzwa kwao ni kuwazuia askari wa Bunge kumtoa nje Lissu ambaye alikuwa ameamriwa kutoka nje na Naibu Spika, Job Ndugai baada ya kuingilia hotuba ya Mbunge wa Iramba Mashariki, Mwigulu Nchemba.
Kutokana na tafrani hiyo, Nchemba hakuweza kuhitimisha hotuba yake hivyo Ndugai alilazimika kukatisha mkutano wa Bunge.Hata hivyo wakati akiahirisha mkutano huo, tayari wabunge hao walikuwa wameshatolewa nje baada ya askari kuongezwa.
Mapema Mbunge wa Kigoma Mjini (CCM), Peter Serukamba alitoa tusi zito la nguoni wakati wa hotuba ya Msemaji Mkuu wa Kambi ya Upinzani kwa Ofisi ya Rais, Menejimenti ya Utumishi wa Umma, licha ya Spika wa Bunge, Anne Makinda kupiga mkwara wa kuwashughulikia wabunge watakaorusha matusi.

Mbali na tukio hilo Lema naye alichafua hali ya hewa baada ya kuwatuhumu viongozi wa CCM akiwamo Rais Jakaya Kikwete kwa udini, madai ambayo Bunge limempa siku saba kuyathibitisha.
Lema aliituhumu CCM na Serikali yake chini ya Rais Kikwete kwa kushindwa kutatua mgogoro wa kidini na badala yake kuwa kama analikwepa tatizo. Alionya kuwa Taifa linapasuka kwa migogoro kutokana na viongozi wa Serikali kushindwa kulishughulikia.
Kauli iliwanyanyua vitini Waziri wa Nchi katika Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu (Bunge na Uratibu na Sera), William Lukuvi na Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali, Jaji Frederick Werema.
Lukuvi na Jaji Werema walisimama wakidai kuwa Lema alikuwa amemdhihaki Rais Kikwete kwa kauli zake za kumhusisha na masuala ya udini.
Hata hivyo, Mnadhimu Mkuu wa Upinzani, Lissu alisimama kumtetea Lema akidai hakuwa amemdhihaki Rais bali alikuwa amemkosoa kitu ambacho kanuni za Bunge zinaruhusu.
Lema aliruhusiwa kuendelea na hoja yake na ndipo akamtolea mfano Waziri wa Nchi, Ofisi ya Rais (Uhusiano na Uratibu), Steven Wassira wakati alipokwenda Mwanza kutatua mgogoro baina ya Wakristo na Waislamu kuhusu suala la kuchinja.
“Wassira akifahamu yeye ndiye, Waziri alikwenda Mwanza na kuwaacha viongozi wa dini za Kikristo na Kiislamu watatue wenyewe suala la kuchinja. Sasa alitaka diwani atatue mgogoro ule?”
Baada ya kumaliza kuchangia, Naibu Spika alitangaza kuwa Lema anatakiwa kuwasilisha katika muda wa siku saba uthibitisho kuwa Rais anahusika na tatizo la udini.


Tulikupenda lakini Mungu amekupenda zaidi R.I.P..........KIDUDE BINTI BARAKA 
Jeneza la bibi likielekea msikiti kwa ajili ya kusaliwa
Mtangazaji Hassan Bond, Fid Q, Diamond Platnumz na Ruge Mutahaba wakiwa msibani nyumbani kwamarehemu bi Kidude,  Zanzibar

Msanii Fid Q, Baraka cousin ya Marehemu Bi Kidude na Hassan Bond Mussa (FID Q ndo alikuwa msanii wa kwanza mkubwa kufika msibani kwa bibi)
Ruge mutahaba, Babu Tale and Guru. .......msibani kwa Bi Kidude
Guru G na Mh Bhaa mazikoni
Hassan na Fid Q wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja na familia ya Marehemu Bi Kidude

Sehemu ya umati wa Watu waliofika msibani

picha na habari toka JG blog