Thursday, 27 June 2013


Sharon leo amefikisha miaka mitatu ya ya Isaackin inamtakia Sharon maisha marefu na yenye furaha.


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

'Iranian pages' rings in integration in Sweden

'Iranian pages' rings in integration in Sweden

Liberal commentator Nima Sanandaji explains how the Swedish-Iranian yellow pages helps the integration of the Iranian community, with almost two thirds of its children in higher education. 
The yellow pages used to be a key source of information for Swedish households. For many families it has become a thing of the past. But there is one great exception. Rahnama, the yellow pages of the Iranian-Swedish community, has 30,000 copies distributed in Sweden, as well as in Oslo and Copenhagen. Those who are interested in understanding how successful integration can happen in Sweden should glance over this 300-page booklet, where advertisers reach out in a mix of Persian and Swedish.

Close to one percent of Sweden's population has either emigrated from Iran or has both parents born in there. But although the Iranians who came to Sweden were somewhat more educated than even the Swedes themselves, they have faced considerable challenges entering the labour market. The majority of Iranians migrated during the 1980s. But as late as 1999, a study showed that a third of Iranian families was still dependent on welfare. Another third had some work income, but was mainly supported by the state. Only one third was chiefly supported by their own, often low, salaries.

This is of course hardly a good outcome for a group composed to a large degree of an ambitious and well-educated middle class, which had arrived with high hopes for the future and plenty of labour market experience. And it is far from the prosperous outcomes that similar groups of Iranian immigrants have achieved relatively quickly in Canada.

For many Iranian families, the journey to Sweden meant going from dictatorship to democracy. But also falling down the class ladder. Nearly all young Iranians in Sweden have grown up in families supported by either welfare or by low incomes from work – often a combination of both. This is the definition of "child poverty" used by the Swedish Save the Children organization. Many young Iranian-Swedes have grown up in social exclusion, in low income neighbourhoods with failing schools. Some have become trapped in social and economic poverty. But remarkably, most are on their way to the top of society.

If you look through the Iranian-Swedish community's yellow pages you might get a sense of why such a remarkable feat has been achieved. Some of the ads are about private tutoring.

Their market is parents who are willing to pay extra so that their children can better their scores in maths or learn to improve their handwriting. This reflects a culture which, even in families struggling to become accepted members of Swedish society, puts much emphasis on attaining a higher education as a route to success. If we look at the statistics, we can see that young Iranians are indeed succeeding academically. Out of those aged 25 years in Sweden, merely 37 percent with immigrant origin have begun studying at higher education. The corresponding figure for native Swedes is 45 percent. Young Iranians, however, top the list, as 60 percent of them have begun academic studies at the age of 25.

When you read through the Iranian-Swedish yellow pages it also becomes evident that the group as a whole must have considerable purchasing power. How else would printing the booklet even pay off? Even many among the first generation of Iranians have finally been able to shake free from welfare dependency.

To understand how, we can again look through the yellow pages. Most of the ads seem to have been placed there by Iranian business owners in Sweden. Many are targeting various services to other business owners. Realizing how difficult it is to enter the rigid Swedish labour market – characterized by high effective minimum wages, labour regulations and high taxes – many Iranians have over time turned to their bazaari culture. Starting own businesses, and working hard to expand them, has been the path to self-reliance for many in the group. Today, many of the young high-achieving entrepreneurs in Sweden are of Iranian origin.

The story of how successful integration can occur in even Sweden is out there to read. Just open the Iranian-Swedish yellow pages.


Saturday, 15 June 2013

32 police officers hurt in Stockholm riots

32 police officers hurt in Stockholm riots

According to a new report published by the police over 30 officers were injured during the recent unrest in Stockholm suburbs and many did not have protective equipment

The riots, which started in the west Stockholm suburb of Husby, are one of the worst events that the Stockholm police have experienced, according to Mika Eskelinen, the police's work environment coordinator.

"We are no Incredible Hulks. We are regular people who get injured when you hit us," Eskelinen told newspaper Dagens Nyheter.

"The new thing is to attack the police. Many car fires were in fact traps," claimed Eskelinen.

Hans Olsson of the Swedish Police Union (Polisförbundet) sad that, when it comes to work environment issues, police officers receive good support from their employers in the National Police Board (Rikspolisstyrelsen) .

"Coming with suggestions is no problem," Olsson, who is an ombudsman responsible for work environment issues, told news agency TT.

Olsson agreed with Eskelinen's statement that having a constant eagle-eye view of the situation is critical.

"It is important to make an evaluation at an early stage when something happens so that you actually consider all aspects when it comes to equipment, tactics and work methods," said Olsson.

It has also emerged that some police officers did not have adequate protective equipment during the riots, such as helmets and arm and leg guards.

Olsson said that the union and the National Police Board are having a good dialogue about this matter, too.

According to Olsson, the Stockholm police have no plans to purchase new equipment specifically for events such as the Husby riots.

On Friday, a 26-year-old man who participated in the riots was charged with vandalism. He admitted to torching two cars in the suburb of Rinkeby.

The riots started on May 19th and within days spread to several Stockholm suburbs as well as to other Swedish towns.

During the unrest, youths torched around 150 cars and threw stones at police officers and firemen.

show ya Lady yaliyojiri katika show ya Jay Dee Kutimiza Miaka 13 ya Muziki ndani ya kiota cha Nyumbani Lounge


Matukio mbali mbali katika  jijini Dar


bomu lalipuka kwenye mkutano wa chadema Arusha na kuua watatu

bomu hilo linaasemekana lilitegwa au kurushwa kwa mkono baada ya mkutano wa chadema kuisha.watu watatu wanasemekana kufariki papo hapo na wengi kujeruhiwa.

habari zingine baadaye

Friday, 14 June 2013


  • Kwa wana-diaspora  wanaohitaji Visa ya Tanzania,
  • Tunapenda kuwaarifu kuwa kuanzia tarehe 1 Mei 2013, Ubalozi haupokei fedha taslimu wala “Credit Card” kwa malipo ya visa.
  • Malipo yote sasa yanafanyika kwenye akaunti yetu ya Benki ya NORDEA Plus Giro Na. 103 7471-8 kwa walipaji walioko Sweden. Wanaolipia nje ya Sweden watumie (BIC/Swift Address:NDEASESS na IBAN: SE2895000099604210374718 (bila kuacha nafasi).
  • Risiti ya malipo iambatanishwe na fomu ya maombi utakapotuma maombi kwa posta au utakapoleta maombi kwa mkono Ubalozini.
  • Tafadhali tunaomba ujiepushe na  usumbufu kwako   kwa kulipia ada ya visa Benki kabla ya kuleta maombi yako Ubalozini.
  • Taarifa hii ipo kwenye tovuti ya  Ubalozi tangu mapema mwezi Aprili kupitia “link” ifuatayo:
  • Unakaribishwa pia kuwasiliana na Ubalozi kwa njia ya simu au barua pepe endapo utahitaji maelezo ya ziada.
  • Tunawaomba na tunawashauri muendelee kutembelea  mara kwa mara tovuti ya Ubalozi, ili kupata habari na taarifa mbali mbali kutoka Ubalozini.

  • Tunatanguliza shukrani zetu

  • Jacob Msekwa


Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Swahili Day present's; Lady Neema,Bobo Sukari & Yaya Sella. Dekula Band "Ngoma Ya Kilo"

Swahili Day present's;
Lady Neema,Bobo Sukari & Yaya Sella.
Dekula Band "Ngoma Ya Kilo"
Place:Bergshamra Skola
Addr:Hortstigen 1, Bergshamra.
T-ban: Mörby Centrum
Bus to Bergshamra 509,540 & 508.
If you'r driving take the high way E 18
you can take the bus too no.178,177,176 & 157.
Contact Osore: 0736350189

Sunday, 9 June 2013


Mshindi wa tuzo tatu, Kala Jeremiah akiwa na moja ya tuzo zake.
Chalz Baba akipokea moja ya tuzo zake kutoka kwa Mtangazaji Maulid Kitenge. Chalz alishinda tuzo mbili na kupokea tuzo nyingine mbili kwa ajili ya bendi yake ya Mashujaa.…
Mshindi wa tuzo tatu, Kala Jeremiah akiwa na moja ya tuzo zake.
Chalz Baba akipokea moja ya tuzo zake kutoka kwa Mtangazaji Maulid Kitenge. Chalz alishinda tuzo mbili na kupokea tuzo nyingine mbili kwa ajili ya bendi yake ya Mashujaa.
Mshindi wa tuzo tatu, Ommy Dimpoz akipokea moja ya tuzo zake.
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Global Publishers, Eric Shigongo (kushoto) akimpatia Amoroso tuzo ya Mtayarishaji Bora wa Wimbo wa Mwaka wa Bendi.
Henry Mdimu akimkabidhi Amin tuzo ya Wimbo Bora wa Zouk/Rhumba.
Mmiliki wa Zizzou Fashion, Tippo (kulia) akitoa tuzo kwa Rappa Bora wa Bendi, Ferguson.
Luiza Mbutu akipokea tuzo yake ya Msanii Bora wa Kike - Bendi.
Mwenyekiti wa African Stars 'Twanga Pepeta' Baraka Musilwa (kulia) akimkabidhi tuzo Meneja wa Mashauzi Classic, Ismail Rashid a.k.a Suma kwa niaba ya Isha Mashauzi.

BENDI ya Mashujaa, Kala Jeremiah na Ommy Dimpoz wameibuka kidedea kwa kutwaa tuzo nyingi kuliko wasanii  na bendi nyingine kwenye sherehe za utoaji tuzo za Kilimanjaro. Bendi ya Mashujaa pamoja na wanamuziki wake wametwaa tuzo tano ambazo ni Bendi Bora ya Mwaka, Wimbo Bora wa Kiswahili - Bendi, Rappa Bora wa Bendi ambaye  ni Ferguson, Msanii Bora wa Kiume - Bendi na Mtunzi Bora wa Mashairi - Bendi ambazo zimekwenda kwa Rais wa Bendi hiyo Chalz Baba. Mwanamuziki Kala Jeremiah yeye ametwaa tuzo tatu ambazo ni Msanii Bora wa Hip Hop, Wimbo Bora wa Mwaka na Mtunzi Bora wa Mahairi Hip Hop. Ommy  Dimpoz yeye ametwaa tuzo tatu ambazo ni Video Bora ya Wimbo ya Mwaka, Wimbo Bora wa Kushirikiana/Kushirikishwa na Wimbo Bora wa Bongo Pop Entertainment.


Saturday, 8 June 2013

Swedish princess weds US banker in Stockholm

Madeleine Marries
Swedish princess weds in
Sweden's Princess Madeleine, the youngest child of King Carl XVI Gustaf, married New York businessman Chris O'Neill in Stockholm Saturday in Sweden's second royal wedding in three years.

Crowds of flag-waving Swedes gathered outside the royal palace in Stockholm cheered as the newlyweds kissed three times before riding in a horse and carriage procession through the heart of the capital.

At the ceremony inside the royal chapel, O'Neill held back tears as his bride walked down the isle to a Swedish wedding hymn, minutes before Roxette singer Marie Fredriksson performed one of her best known Swedish ballads.

IN PICTURES: Top ten most memorable images from Princess Madeleine's royal wedding ceremony

The wedding, held in Swedish and English, was witnessed by other royals, including Princess Charlene of Monaco, Princess Takamado of Japan and Britain's Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex.

Other guests included Crown Prince Fredrik of Denmark, Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, fashion retailer H&M's chief executive Karl-Johan Persson and Duran Duran bassist John Taylor.

The bride, who turns 31 on Monday, wore a Valentino designed dress, made from pleated silk organza and ivory-coloured Chantilly lace, ending with a four-metre-long train.

IN PICTURES: Swedish Princess Madeleine's dress sense

Her mother, Queen Silvia, wore a jade-coloured silk dress.

"Besides that breathtaking, all dominating feeling of love, love is also heartfelt sincerity, tenderness, and loving care. In Swedish we call it 'tillgivenhet' -- affection," said chief court chaplain Lars-Göran Lönnermark, who officiated the service.

With O'Neill's "I will" and Princess Madeleine's "Ja", the couple were pronounced husband and wife.

The photogenic princess met New York financier O'Neill while working in the United States with the World Childhood Foundation, a charity set up in 1999 by Queen Silvia. The engagement was announced in October last year.

IN PICTURES: See what people by the palace had to say about the wedding, the princess, and the royal family

The 38-year-old groom has declined taking a royal title, which would require him to become a Swedish citizen and give up his job as a partner and head of research at Noster Capital, a previously relatively unknown hedge fund.

SEE ALSO: A look at Swedish royal fiancé Chris O'Neill

The US-British businessman sparked controversy in November when he made an obscene gesture at a photographer, raising questions over whether he was a suitable spouse for the princess, who is fourth in line to the throne.

Unlike her sister Crown Princess Victoria who has charmed the Swedish people with her down-to-earth style, Madeleine has had an uneasy relationship with the public.

IN PICTURES: Princess Madeleine through the years

In her early twenties, she earned a reputation for partying in Stockholm's trendy nightclubs. She has also appeared in the tabloids over her shopping sprees.

In 2003, the young royal was photographed driving on a pedestrian street.

Even in the run-up to her wedding, Madeleine made headlines for all the wrong reasons after being stopped by police for driving in the bus lane. The royal court has claimed the car had permission to do so.

Daniel Nyhlen, the author of a recently released book on Madeleine, noted that she "has a different style: you can hear that she's a member of high society."

"I think the wedding could mark the beginning of a calmer and more mature princess. You could say that the little sister has grown up," Nyhlen said.

AFP/The Local/dl

Thursday, 6 June 2013


Pichani ni mmoja wapo wa wasichana walio kamatwa nchini Misiri akiwa na unga unao semekana ni hereoin. Bado hatuja weza kupata details za mthumiwa wa pili.
Dar es Salaam. Watanzania wawili wanashikiliwa nchini Misri baada ya kukamatwa wakiwa na kilo saba za dawa za kulevya aina ya heroin wiki mbili zilizopita walizokuwa wameficha kwenye begi la nguo.

Akizungumza na mwandishi wa habari hizi jana Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Habari cha Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Uhusiano wa Kimataifa, Mkubwa Ali, alikiri kukamatwa kwa watu hao (majina yanahifadhiwa) ambao mmoja ni mkazi wa Ilala na mwingine wa Magomeni jijini Dar es Salaam. “Taarifa tulizonazo zilizo rasmi kutoka Ubalozi wa Tanzania nchini Misri kwa sasa ni kukamatwa kwa Watanzania wawili waliokuwa wakisafirisha heroin kuelekea Bara la Asia na walikamatwa nchini Misri wiki mbili zilizopita.”

“Tumewasiliana na balozi wetu nchini Misri amesema hana taarifa za kuhukumiwa kunyongwa kwa watuhumiwa hao, isipokuwa wameshasomewa shtaka lao la awali. Wapo rumande kwa sasa kwani kesi hiyo imetajwa mara moja tu. Balozi amekiri kushikiliwa kwa watuhumiwa hao wakiwa na dawa zinazoaminiwa ni za kulevya,” alisema.

Alisema watuhumiwa wote wanashikiliwa polisi na wanatarajia kufikishwa mahakamani wakati wowote.

Video inayomwonyesha mmoja akikaguliwa na maofisa wa polisi wa nchini Misri na kukutwa na dawa hizo, ilisambaa siku nne zilizopita katika mitandao mbalimbali ya kijamii.

Kwa mujibu wa sheria za Misri kama ilivyo kwa nchi za Bara la Asia, mtu akikamatwa na dawa za kulevya hukumu yake ni kunyongwa hadi kufa. Kutokana na sheria za nchi hiyo, tangu kukamatwa na Watanzania habari zimeenea kuwa huenda wakanyongwa.

Habari za uhakika kutoka kwa ndugu wa karibu wa mtuhumiwa huyo, zilidai kuwa walikuwa hawafahamu kuwa alikuwa anajihusisha na dawa za kulevya.

“Huyu ni ndugu yangu kabisa lakini nilikuwa sijui kama anafanya mambo kama hayo’’ alisema.

Kama atanyongwa ni pigo kubwa kwetu,” alisema mmoja wa ndugu wa Sharifa ambaye hakupenda kutaja jina lake.

Alisema miaka mitatu iliyopita ndugu yao wa kike mwenye mtoto mmoja alikuwa akifanya kazi katika Shirika la Nivea na alikuwa hana tabia mbaya.
Mthumiwa mmoja wapo akiwa na mwanae wa kike
Jana mwandishi wa habari hizi alilifika katika Ubalozi wa Misri nchini ili kufahamu kwa kina habari hizo, ambapo balozi wa nchi hiyo hakuweza kuzungumzia lolote.
