Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Waasi DRC wapewa saa 48 kusalimisha silaha

Wanajeshi wa Brigedi Maalum wakiwa katika mazoezi makali yaliyofanyika  hivi karibuni huko Goma Mashariki ya Demokrasia ya Kongo
Mmoja wa walinda amani kupitia Brigedi Maalum inayoundwa na wanajeshi kutoka Tanzania, Afrika ya Kusini na Malawi akiwa katika moja ya mazoezi yaliyofanyika hivi karibu huko Goma. Kamanda Mkuu wa Misheni ya Kulinda Amani katika Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo, ( MONUSCO ) Luteni Jenerali Carlos Albeto dos Santos Cruz ametakanza jana jumanne akiwa Goma kwamba MONUSCO itaanza rasmi kuitumia Brigedi Maalum na ametoa saa 48 kuanzia saa kumi jioni kwa saa za Goma jana siku ya Jumanne waasi wote kusalimisha silaha zao, na kwamba ifikapo saa kumi jioni kwa saa za Goma siku ya Alhamisi Agosti Mosi wale wote ambao watakuwa hawajasalimisha silaha zao watachukuliwa kama tishio la usalama kwa wananchi na MONUSCO italazimika kuwapokonya ikiwa ni pamoja na kutumia nguvu kwa mujibu wa Mamlaka iliyopewa na Sheria zinazowaruhusu kufanya hivyo.

Na Mwandishi Maalum

Misheni ya Kutuliza Amani katika Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo ( MONUSCO) imetangaza kwamba kwa mara ya kwanza itaanza kuitumia Brigedi Maalum ( Force Intervention Brigade) katika kudhibiti eneo maalum la usalama ( security zone ) kuzunguka mji wa Goma ulioko Mashariki ya Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo na imewapa saa 48 waasi kusalimisha silaha zao.

Taarifa iliyotolewa na MONUSCO na kusambazwa na Idara ya Mawasiliano ya Umoja wa Mataifa jana jumanne, inaeleza kwamba watu binafsi katika eneo la Kivu ya Magharibi ambalo linajumisha Goma na Sake na ambao hawahusiki na vyombo vya usalama watapewa saa 48 kuanzia saa kumi jana kwa saa za Goma ( Jumanne ) kuzisalimisha silaha zao katika Misheni hiyo na kujiunga na mchakato wa DDR/RR unaoratibu upokonyaji, usambaratishaji, urejeshwaji makwao, kuwaunganisha na jamii na kuwapatia makazi.

Baada ya saa kumi jioni ya Alhamisi, Agosti Mosi. Taarifa hiyo inasema. Wale wote ambao watakuwa hawajasalimisha silaha zao watachukuliwa kama tishio kwa usalama wa wananchi na MONUSCO itachukua hatua zote muhimu kuwapokonya silaha hizo ikiwa ni pamoja na kutumia nguvu kama ilivyoainishwa katika Mamlaka na sheria za ushiriki za MONOSCO.

Kwa mujibu wa taarifa hiyo zaidi ya wananchi milioni moja wanaishi katika eneo dogo la Goma na Sake na kando kando ya barabara ambayo inawaunganisha na kambi ya wakimbizi ya Mugungu ambayo ni makazi ya muda ya watu karibu 70, 000 ambao wameyakimbia makazi yao kutokana na mapigano.

Kwa mujibu wa MONUSCO, tangu kati kati ya mwezi Mei eneo hilo limeshuhudia mapigano ya mara kwa mara kutoka kwa kundi la M23 dhidi ya majeshi ya Serikali ya FARDC ikiwa ni jaribio la wazi la kutaka kusonga mbele kuelekea Goma na Sake.

“ Katika mashambulizi hayo, likiwamo la hivi karibuni la Julai 14, M23 walitumia kiholela silaha zao za moto zikiwamo silaha nzito ambazo zimesababisha wananchi kujeruhiwa” .

Taarifa hiyo imeongeza kwamba kundi hilo la M23 katika mashambulizi hayo limelenga pia Vituo vya Umoja wa Mataifa.

Aidha taarifa hiyo inabainisha kwamba eneo hilo maalum la usalama ( security zone) litasaidia kudhibiti tishio la moja kwa moja mbali na eneo la nje ya Goma na pengine eneo hilo linaweza kupanuliwa na kurudiwa sehemu nyingine kutakako hitajika.

Tamko hilo la kutoa saa 48 kwa waasi kusalimisha silaha zao linafuatia kuwasili katika eneo la Goma kwa Kamanda Mkuu wa MONUSCO, Luteni Jenerali Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz, ambaye alitangaza kwamba Misheni ya MONUSCO itaunga mkono jeshi la Serikali ( FARDC) katika kuanzisha eneo la usalama kuzunguma eneo la Goma na vitongoji vyake.

Taarifa hiyo inamkariri Kamanda Mkuu wa MONUSCO akiyapongeza majeshi ya serikali kwa kazi nzuri iliyofanya wiki iliyopita ya kuwadhibiti M23. Ingawa anasema eneo la Goma na Sake bado limo katika mazingira magumu sana na kwamba ni wajibu wa wahusika wote kuhakikisha wahalifu wote hawaendelei kuhatarisha raia wa eneo hilo.

Kwa mwaka uliopitia , kundi la M23 pamoja na makundi mengine yenye silaha yamekuwa yakipambana mara kwa mara na majeshi ya serikali katika Mashariki ya Kongo, huku makundi hayo yenye silaha mwezi Novemba mwaka jana yakiikalia Goma kwa muda.

Aidha mapingano ya hivi karibuni ambayo safari hii yalihusisha pia kundi jingine la wanagambo wenye silaha lenye asili yake nchini Uganda, yamesababisha zaidi ya wananchi 100,000 kuyakimbia makazi yao na hivyo kuongeza mgogoro wa kibinadamu katika eneo hilo linalohusisha watu wengine 2.6 milioni ambao wameyakimbia makazi yao huku wengine 6.4 milioni wakihitaji chakula na huduma za dharura.

Wakati huo huo, Kaimu Mkuu wa MONUSCO Bw. Moustapha Soumare katika taarifa yake ametoa wito kwa pande zote kutafuta suluhu ya kisiasa kwa matatizo ya DRC kupitia Mpango Mpana wa Kisiasa wa Umoja wa Mataifa kuhusu amani, usalama na ushirikiano wa maendeleo katika DRC na eneo la Maziwa Makuu uliopitisha mwezi wa Februari na viongozi 11 wa Afrika na Taasisi nne za Kikanda na Kimataifa.

Aidha akasema katika kipindi hiki ambacho suluhu la kisiasa linatafutwa MONUSCO itatumia nguvu iliyonayo kuwalinda wananchi dhidi ya hatari zitokanazo na makundi ya waasi.

Two men shot after Stockholm street fight

Two men shot after Stockholm street fight
Two men were shot in western Stockholm on Sunday night following an altercation on the street, in an area police say has hosted several recent shootings between rival gangs.

Police were tipped off shortly after 9pm on Sunday when shots were fired in a residential area in Hässelby Strand, a suburb roughly 20 kilometres north-west of central Stockholm.

A large patrol was sent out, including police helicopters, but police made no arrests.

"I heard the shots and ran out onto the street. We saw a car driving away at furious speeds," one witness told the Aftonbladet newspaper.

"It sounded like four shots from an automatic weapon," the witness added.

Police spokesman Lars Byström would not confirm the extent of the injuries sustained by the two men, who are said to be in their twenties, but he added that the pair had been taken to the local hospital. Officers remained on the scene late into Sunday night.

"An investigation into attempted murder has been launched. We've cordoned off the crime scene for forensic investigations and to talk to witnesses," Byström told the paper.

"There have been a number of shots fired recently between rival gangs, but it's too early to say if there is a connection here."

TT/The Local/


SATURDAY 03/08/2013

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Female cop suspected of assaulting Swedish drunk

Female cop suspected of assaulting Swedish drunk

Stockholm policewoman is suspected of assault after a witness filmed her beating a drunken man with a baton and setting her dog on him in a violent attack.
The Stockholm District Court said on Wednesday that the woman was suspected of assault or professional misconduct.
In the attack, which occurred in central Stockholm and was caught on camera, the woman is seen hitting a drunken man fourteen times with her baton while her dog snaps at him and bites him. She continually tells the man to "lie down", which he ignores, trying instead to fend off the dog and the woman. 

Eventually he lies down bleeding while the police officers pacifies the dog and calls for an ambulance.

The policewoman, who is currently on holiday, will be reassigned when she returns to work, according to DN.

The man who is beaten in the video is also suspected of assault, making illegal threats, causing damages, and drug crimes. He was never detained during the incident, which occurred on a Friday night in mid-July.

The video, which was filmed by a passerby and can be seen on Dagens Nyheter,has awoken strong reactions around Sweden.

"I can only say that this film gives reason to suspect that a crime has been committed by the police," Mats Åhlund of the Swedish National Police Crimes Unit (Riksenheten för polismål) told the paper.

"An investigation must be properly made into what happened before and after, but it's crystal clear that there is a reason to suspect a crime."

While some commentators are outraged by what they believe is unnecessary police violence, others have pointed out that the video begins with the policewoman's attack and does not show what the man did to provoke the officer.

TT/The Local/og


Hong Kong Customs yesterday (July 25) detected three drug trafficking cases, with seizures totally valued at $4.78 million, in the department's escalated anti-narcotics efforts to combat drugs.

     Customs officers at the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) intercepted a 26-year-old incoming male passenger arriving from Tanzania for clearance yesterday afternoon and seized 1.6 kilogrammes of heroin concealed in two false compartments of his hand carry briefcase.The drugs would fetch a value of about $1.28 million.

     Later in the evening, Customs officers at the HKIA intercepted another 45-year-old man from Tanzania for clearance. On suspicion of concealment of drugs inside his body, the suspect was escorted to hospital where he discharged 204 grammes of heroin after staying for one day. The value of the drugs was about $0.16 million. The suspect is still in the hospital.

     In the same evening, Customs officers intercepted a 28-year-old man at a carpark in Tai Kok Tsui. Approximately 2.03 kg of cocaine camouflaged as snacks were found inside a plastic bag carried by him.

     Customs officers later escorted the suspect to a domestic flat nearby for a search and seized 1 kg of cocaine and 290 grammes of crack cocaine there. The total value of the seizure was about $3.34 million.

     A Customs spokesperson said today (July 26) that all three suspects in the three cases were arrested for drug trafficking. The cases are still under investigation.

     Under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, drug trafficking is a serious offence. The maximum penalty is life imprisonment and a fine of $5 million.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Two men arrested for Umeå station slaying

Two men arrested for Umeå station slaying

Two men have been arrested in connection with the suspected murder of a woman on the platform of the central station in Umeå in northern Sweden on Saturday morning.
The men were arrested late Saturday night following a massive police search operation, Umeå police confirmed on Sunday morning.

“They were arrested late last night,” Uno Nilsson at Umeå police confirmed.

The woman was shot on the platform at Umeå central station on Saturday morning. The fatal shooting was witnessed by youth team players from Umeå FC who were travelling to an away match in Luleå.

“We heard a shot and then we saw a woman who had been shot. It is the worst thing that I have ever experienced,” one of the players told the TT news agency.

Other witnesses to the slaying told reporters that they had seen the injured woman on the platform, calling for help. The woman was rushed to Norrland’s University Hospital in the city but died shortly after from her stab wounds.

Police have declined to divulge further details of the case on Sunday morning but have confirmed that a preliminary murder investigation has been opened.

A further shooting was reported on Saturday in the västra Ersboda area of the city and police are considering whether there is a possible link between the incidents.

TT/The Local/pvs

Mmiliki wa Home Shopping Centre amwagiwa tindikali usoni

Dar es Salaam. Mtu asiyejulikana juzi usiku alimvamia mmiliki wa maduka ya Home Shopping Centre, Said Mohammed Saad (pichani) na kumwagia maji usoni yanayodhaniwa kuwa ni tindikali.
Tukio hilo lililotokea juzi saa 1 usiku karibu na kituo cha Polisi cha Oysterbay, lilithibitishwa na Kaimu Kamanda wa Polisi Kanda Maalumu ya Dar es Salaam, Ally Mlege kwa kusema kuwa bado polisi wanaendelea na uchunguzi wao ili kuwabaini waliohusika.
“Ni kweli tukio hili limetokea ila polisi wanaendelea na uchunguzi. Tukikamilisha uchunguzi tunatarajia kutoa taarifa kamili za tukio zima,” alisema na kuongeza;
“Hatuna haja ya kuficha ukweli wa tukio hili, uchunguzi wetu ukikamilika na watuhumiwa wakikamatwa kila mtu atajua.”
Taarifa za uhakika kutoka ndani ya Jeshi la Polisi zilizolifikia gazeti hili zilieleza kuwa mtu huyo, alimkuta Saad akiwa anazungumza na mmoja wa wafanyakazi wake katika duka lake jipya lililopo karibu na Kituo cha Polisi cha Oysterbay.
“Wakati akizungumza na mfanyakazi wake, huyo mtu alikuwa kama anapita na alichomoa kitu fulani na kummwagia Saad usoni na kisha kukimbia,” zilieleza taarifa hizo na kuongeza;
“Baada ya tukio hilo alipelekwa katika Hospitali ya AMI, sasa hatujui kama bado yupo hapo au ameondoka, ila sisi tulizungumza naye na alitueleza mwonekano wa mtu aliyemwagia tindikali.”
Taarifa hizo zilifafanua kwamba polisi wanazitumia taarifa hizo walizopewa na Saad, ili kuweza kumkamata mhusika.
Taarifa hizo zilifafanua kuwa polisi wanapanga tena siku ya kumhoji kwa mara ya pili Saad, kwamba watataka kufahamu kama mfanyabiashara huyo alikuwa akipewa vitisho au ujumbe wowote, kabla ya kukutwa na tukio hilo.
Hata hivyo, habari nyingine zilizolifikia Mwananchi Jumapili zilieleza kuwa mtu huyo baada ya kummwagia Saad tindikali, alipanda pikipiki na kutokomea eneo hilo.
“Walikuwa wawili, mmoja alikwenda kufanya unyama na mwingine alibakia katika pikipiki, baada tu ya kumwagia tindikali mtu yule alikimbia mpaka pale alipokuwa imesimama pikipiki, alipanda na kuondoka kwa kasi,” zilieleza habari hizo.
Taarifa zilizopatikana jana asubuhi zilieleza kuwa ndugu na marafiki wa mfanyabiashara huyo, walikuwa katika mipango ya kumpeleka nje ya nchi kwa ajili ya kupatiwa matibabu zaidi.

Thursday, 18 July 2013


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Nelson Mandela turns 95 today. Trust South Africans to turn out in their numbers at the Pretoria hospital where he is being treated.

Wave after musical wave rang out, as choirs, political groups, schoolchildren and onlookers arrived one after another, dancing, gyrating and laughing, each with their own loud musical tribute to the man they see as the one who brought them freedom.

What better way to celebrate his extraordinary life and impact on racial equality in South Africa than to watch a short biography.

While Mandela is often referred to as the "father of the nation," he had humble roots: He was born Rolihlahla Mandela in 1918 in a small village. When he began his British education at age 7, his teacher gave him the name Nelson.

By the time he was elected president in 1994, after having spent 27 years in prison for his fight against apartheid, it had been more than 300 years since blacks in South Africa had been allowed to vote. We learned a few things about the man affectionately known around the world as Madiba, and you might, too.


Miili ya askari JWTZ kuletwa Jumamosi

Dar/mikoani. Wakati miili ya askari wa Tanzania waliokufa Darfur ikitarajiwa kuletwa keshokutwa, ndugu, jamaa na marafiki wa marehemu wameanza kuwasili Dar es Salaam kwa ajili ya kuipokea.
Msemaji wa Mpango wa Kulinda Amani wa Umoja wa Mataifa na Afrika (UNAMID), kwenye Mji wa Darfur, Chris Cycmakick alisema jana kuwa miili hiyo ilikuwa ikiendelea kufanyiwa uchunguzi ambao unatarajiwa kukamilika leo.
“Hata kama uchunguzi ukikamilika kesho (leo), hatuwezi kusafirisha keshokutwa (kesho Ijumaa) kwa kuwa hapa Sudan ni kama siku ya mapumziko. Sasa utaratibu unafanyika kuisafirisha Jumamosi kwa ndege ya Umoja wa Mataifa,” alisema Cycmakick.
Wapiganaji hao saba waliuawa na moja ya vikundi vya waasi walipokuwa wakitekeleza majukumu yao ya kulinda amani kupitia UNAMID huko Darfur.
Uchunguzi wa gazeti hili, ulibaini kuwa wanajeshi hao wanatoka vikosi vya 42KJ Chabruma, Songea, 44KJ Mbeya, 36KJ Msangani, 92KJ Ngerengere, 94KJ Mwenge, Dar es Salaam, 41KJ Nachingwea na Makao Makuu ya Jeshi- Upanga, Dar es Salaam.
Familia zawasili Dar
Wakati miili ya wapiganaji hao ikiletwa, tayari familia zao zimeshawasili Dar es Salaam kwa ajili ya kuwapokea marehemu hao kwa maziko katika maeneo yaliyopangwa na wengine wakisubiri katika mikoa yao.
Akizungumza na mwandishi wetu jana eneo la Mji Mpya, Songea, Mama wa marehemu, Rodney Ndunguru, Lucy alisema wanachosubiri ni kupokea mwili wa marehemu watakapoletewa na jeshi kutoka Dar es Salaam.
Alisema mwili wa mtoto wake huyo aliyekuwa Kambi ya 92KJ, Ngerengere mkoani Morogoro utasindikizwa na mke wa marehemu, Fatma Hajj Ammen anayetokea Zanzibar alikokwenda kujifungua mtoto ambaye sasa ana miezi minne.Mama huyo alisema kuwa mwanawe huyo kifungua mimba na aliyekuwa katika kikosi cha makomandoo, atazikwa alikolala baba yake, eneo la Myangayanga, Songea.
Naye Maria Chaula, mke wa Koplo Oswald Chaula aliyekuwa Kikosi cha Mizinga katika Kambi ya Chabruma, aliondoka jana alfajiri kwenda Dar es Salaam kupokea mwili wa marehemu mume wake wakati watoto wake wanne wakitangulia Kijiji cha Mtitu Wilaya Kilolo, Iringa kwa taratibu nyingine za mazishi.
Mama wa marehemu Chaula, Zaina Mpagama, akiwa kijijini Mtitu, alisema askari huyo ambaye ni mtoto wake wa sita na ni pekee wa kiume, ameacha pengo lisilozibika... “Baba, nimepata pigo, mwanangu pekee wa kiume jamani...,” alisema huku akilia kwa uchungu.
Mjini Mbeya, huzuni na simanzi zimetawaka katika Kambi ya 44KJ Mbalizi baada ya taarifa za kifo cha askari wa miguu, Peter Werema.


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

US authorities to access Swedish fingerprint info

US authorities to access Swedish fingerprint info

US government authorities are set to be given access to Sweden's national fingerprint register according to an agreement which is about to become law.
The law will enable US agencies easy access to fingerprint records of Swedes. The agreement is reciprocal and intended to increase cooperation between the two countries with respect to criminal investigations, such as terrorism.

Law professor Dennis Töllberg considers the framework for the exchange of information to be balanced but he argued that Sweden's weak controls and lackof expertise could pose problems.

"The United States will get what they want without someone here putting a stop to it. That will not be the case when we want something from them," he said.

Töllberg furthermore added that the agreement could have consequences for Swedes travelling to the United States.

"They could then refused admission and denied a work visa. There is no way to appeal against Sweden disclosing information and each country decides for itself who they wish to let in," he said.

"It could change someone's life not being able to enter a country, based on a suspicion that may have been wrong."

The agreement is in place and, following a consultative process in the autumn, will be presented to Sweden's Riksdag for legislative approval.

While fingerprint information will be readily accessible, identities will only be released in response to a formal request from either side. Both Sweden and the US remain free to disclose any further information that they see fit. 

Swedish and US law respectively will determine the content of the information released. The agreement has been designed to assist in crimes such as terrorism that carry a penalty of at least one year imprisonment in either country.

The proposed law names the National Police Board (Rikspolisstyrelsen) as the Swedish authority responsible for accessing the US database. Authorities such as the Security Service (Säpo), the National Bureau of Investigation (Rikskriminalen), the Economic Crime Authority (Ekobrottsmyndigheten) and Swedish Customs will be able to request information.

The agreement also paves the way for further agreements on a similar exchange of information contained in the DNA registry.

TT/The Local/pvs

Monday, 15 July 2013

Free Muchomo and Drinks This Saturday 20th JULY 2013

This Saturday 20th JULY 2013. Starting at 12pm till 6pm, There's Free Muchomo and Drinks At ALVSJÖBADET - STOCKHOLM CITY. After the Muchomo / BBQ, An After Party Will be GÖTALUNDAVGEN 2 Opposite ALVSJÖBADET. DJ Mike and DJ Richie will then entertain us with the best of the AFROBEATS, DANCEHALL, HIPHOP, BONGO, REGGAE, LUGANDA Hits. Entry is Only 100kr Starting at 6pm till 6am........DONT MISSSS INQUIRIES CALL: 0767507466, 0705279947 — 

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Shock as policewoman beats Swedish drunk


A video clip showing a Swedish policewoman repeatedly hitting a drunken man with a baton as her police dog appears to go berserk on the streets of Stockholm has shocked experts, while the prosecutor has opened a criminal probe.

"The only thing I can say is that this video gives cause to assume that the police officer has committed a crime," internal affairs prosecutor Mats Åhlund told the Dagens Nyheter (DN) newspaper after being shown a clip of the altercation that took place late on Thursday night.

"This has to investigated properly so we understand what happened before and after, but it's clear as day that there is reason to suspect that a crime took place."

The video shows a drunk man squabbling with the police officer, who has a police dog at her side. Poor audio quality makes it difficult to pick up the entire exchange, filmed by a third party, but the dog at one point leaps towards the man who in return grabs the animal by its collar.

As the man stumbles across the road with his arm outstretched, seemingly to keep the animal at bay, the policewoman takes out her baton and begins striking him while repeatedly ordering him to lie down in the street.

Once he fell to his knees, she orders the dog to sit, which it does straight away, at which point the officer puts her baton away.

A friend of the man intervenes at that point to check on the battered man on the ground, while the policewoman spokes into her radio and is heard telling command that the man threatened to "blow up the street".

"I didn't say that I would blow up the street, I said someone would," the victim was heard muttering in the video clip on the DN website, before yelling.

"Are you totally stupid or what?"

If the incident leads to charges being brought against the policewoman, she would risk a reprimand and losing her job.

After seeing the video, criminology professor Jerry Sarnecki told DN the incident amounted to "seriously excessive force".

"She shouldn't be a police officer unless there is some very extenuating circumstances," he said, saying the video left him "very, very upset".

"She has a dog, she has a baton, and he's not being violent. You never know, something else may have happened, but I have a hard time imagining what could justify this."

TT/The Local/at

Friday, 12 July 2013


Agnes Gerald ‘Masogange’.
Na Mwandishi Wetu
HUKU skendo ya kunaswa akiwa na madawa ya kulevya ikiendelea kumtesa kwenye mitandao mbalimbali ya kijamii, Video Queen maarufu Bongo, Agnes Gerald ‘Masogange’ anatarajiwa kupandishwa kortini nchini Afrika Kusini leo kujibu shitaka ambalo mwenyewe hajaliweka wazi, Ijumaa linakupasha.
Dawa za kulevya lakini siyo walizokamatwa nazo akina Agnes na Melisa.
Mwishoni mwa wiki iliyopita, habari ya mjini ilikuwa Masogange kanaswa na madawa ya kulevya nchini Afrika Kusini.
Habari zilisambaa kwamba sanjari na Masogange, mwingine aliyenaswa naye ni mdogo wake (mtoto wa mama yake mdogo Agnes) aitwaye Melisa Edward.
Kwa mujibu wa habari hiyo ya mjini, wawili hao walinaswa Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Oriver Tambo uliopo Kempton Park siku ya Ijumaa wiki iliyopita wakitokea Tanzania wakiwa na ‘mzigo’ wa kilo nyingi aina ya ‘crystal methamphetamine’ wenye thamani ya shilingi za Kitanzania bilioni 6.8!
Melisa Edward aliyekamatwa na Agnes.
Baada ya kunasa habari hiyo, Ijumaa liliingia mzigoni kuusaka ukweli ambapo hata hivyo, madai hayo yalikuwa yakijifungafunga sana.
Mtu mmoja wa karibu na Masogange alipoulizwa kuhusu ukweli au uongo wa habari hiyo alikuwa na haya ya kusema:
“Ni kweli Agnes amekamatwa akiwa na madawa ya kulevya kule Sauzi. Lakini si yenye thamani hiyo ya bilioni sita bali ni milioni arobaini tu. Hata hivyo, ameachiwa kwa dhamana ila paspoti yake imezuiliwa.
“Nadhani kuna mambo yanawekwa sawa ikiwezekana atarudi nyumbani.”
Jumatatu iliyopita, Kamanda wa Polisi wa Kikosi cha Kudhibiti Madawa ya Kulevya Tanzania, Godfrey Nzowa aliviambia vyombo vya habari kuwa, Watanzania wawili walikamatwa nchini Afrika Kusini na mamlaka ya mapato wakiwa na madawa ya kulevya kutoka Tanzania yenye thamani ya shilingi bilioni 6.8.
Kamanda Nzowa aliwataja Watanzania hao kuwa ni Agnes Gerald ambaye ana miaka 25 na Melisa Edward mwenye miaka 24. Alisema wawili hao baada ya kukamatwa na chombo hicho walikabidhiwa kwa polisi ambapo mahojiano yanaendelea.
Baada ya Kamanda Nzowa kuwataja kwa majina wawili hao Jumatatu iliyopita, siku iliyofuata, Ijumaa lilipiga hodi kwenye ofisi za kamanda huyo kwa lengo la kutaka kujua kama Agnes Gerald aliyemtaja jana yake ni Masogage au majina yanafanana tu.
Kamanda huyo hakuwepo ofisini kwake asubuhi hiyo na kwa mujibu wa wasaidizi wake, alikuwa kwenye kikao cha dharura kwenye Ofisi za Polisi wa Kimataifa ‘Interpol’.
Ilibidi Ijumaa limsake kwa njia ya simu ya kiganjani kwa mara kadhaa. Alipopokea akaulizwa kuhusu Agnes Gerald aliyemtaja kama ni Masogange yule staa.
Kamanda Nzowa: “Eee, mimi siwezi kusema ni huyo, ninachojua ni Agnes Gerald tu basi. Sasa kama ni Masogange mimi sifahamu lolote.”
Mpaka hapo, timu nzima iliyokuwa ikifuatilia habari hiyo haikuona ukweli wa Agnes Gerald kuwa ni Masogange na kwa vile siku zote Global Publishers inasimamia utafiti kabla ya kuandika habari iliamua kuiweka pembeni kwanza ili kuendelea kuichimba.
Saa 2:14 usiku wa siku hiyo, Ijumaa lilipokea simu yenye kuashiria wito (code number) ni ya nje na kabla haijapokelewa, ilibainika ni ya Afrika Kusini.
Ijumaa: Haloo.
Sauti: Haloo, mimi Masogange.     
Ijumaa: Mambo Agnes, pole sana na mkasa uliokupata bwana, pole sana.
Agnes: Kwanza naumizwa sana na maneno ambayo watu wanazidi kuyaeneza sehemu mbalimbali bila kuwa na uhakika wowote, mimi sikukamatwa kwa sababu ya madawa ya kulevya.
“Mkasa nilioupata siyo ambao watu wanaueneza kwenye mitandao mbalimbali na katika vyombo ya habari.”
Ijumaa: Kwa hiyo madai ya kukutwa na madawa ya kulevya si ya kweli?
Agnes: Kweli nilikamatwa huku kwa matatizo f’lan ila siyo ishu ya madawa kama watu wanavyosambaza.
Ijumaa: Ni tatizo gani sasa?
Agnes: Unajua sipendi tena kuwapa watu faida ila lilikuwa ni tatizo la kawaida, nilikamatwa na baada ya hapo nilitoka na niko huru. Nasubiri tu kwenda mahakamani Ijumaa (leo) mara moja kisha n’tarudi Bongo.
Ijumaa: Mh! Sasa Egg, mbona huku mpaka viongozi wa polisi wamesema ni madawa?
Agnes: Hapana, siyo, ipo ishu ndogo tu.
Ijumaa: Haya pole sana kwa misukosuko.
Agnes: Asante sana, nitakuja huko siku si nyingi.

Thursday, 11 July 2013



I request all my relatives , friends and in laws to converge and give John R.I.P. a heroic send off in my absence!

Our Relatives, friends, well-wishers and sympathizers in Sweden and nearby countries are welcome to my residence any time to condole us during this moment of great sadness and grief.

There will be a general gathering, prayer and vigil tomorrow Friday 12 July from 19:00 at my residence. You are all welcome.

Those that may wish to send burial contribution(amabugo) may be sent via Samson Mande´s International Bank Number SE0280000842029748534709 ( code SWEDSESS ) or call +2567122499889 Uganda for advice!

For further information, contact me via +46767507466.

"Sire, remember the Greeks"


Monday, 8 July 2013

Bistro Hijazz present's; Dekula Band"Ngoma Ya Kilo"

Bistro Hijazz present's;

Dekula Band"Ngoma Ya Kilo"
Place: Bistro Hijazz
Date: 27.07.2013
Addr: Gamla Stationshuset Uppsala

Police warned ahead of crazed knife attack

Police warned ahead of crazed knife attack

Friends of the man who went on a crazed knife attack in Varberg in western Sweden on Sunday, killing one and injuring two and leading to his own death, had previously warned police over his state of mind. 
"The information was that he was not feeling very well and that they were worried about him," said Jonas Bergman at Halland police to the GT Expressen daily.

A description of the man was also provided to police who were unable to prevent the knife attacks which led to one woman's death and two men being rushed to hospital with stab wounds.

Police were called at around 10am on Sunday morning following the stabbing of a man on Gamla Kyrkbacken in central Varberg.

While police were hunting the suspect an hour later reports filtered in of further stabbings on Lilla Drottninggatan. A man in his late teens and an elderly lady are reported to have been stabbed at the location.

The suspect was later shot by police after refusing to surrender his weapon and subsequently died of his injuries.

Early Monday morning, there was no new information about the condition of the two men stabbed condition, according to Varberg Hospital.

the lokal