Cameroon Foreign Affairs minister Henri Eyebe Ayissi, in an official communiqué he issued last week titled The Devil Is In the House, described TB Joshua as a “son of the devil” pretending to be “a man of God”.
The minister warned hundreds of Cameroonians trooping to Lagos, South West Nigeria, for miracles in Joshua’s church, to desist from taking the trip or face the consequences as the country will not stand by them.
The communiqué written in French reads in part: “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns those who by naivety or deception of Emmanuel TV’s captivating images, or even those who by hopelessness, envisage taking the pilgrimage to Pastor TB Joshua’s Synagogue Church Of All Nations in Lagos, that they will do so at their own risk.
“The Cameroonian government warns these pilgrims that they will face the consequences alone. This is motivated by the painful and shameful fact that Cameroonian men and women, in search of deliverance and blessings, once in that church, find themselves in bestial and pitiable conditions,” the minister said.
“Women are raped; pilgrims dispossessed of their belongings by armed robbers and left to sleep in the streets at the mercy of gangs. “Many cases of assassinations have even been recorded. And this is without other cases that are not recorded at the Cameroonian Embassy in Lagos with the victims too ashamed to narrate their infernal odysseys once they are out of Hell.”
Ayissi said that while the bible asked people to be discreet with gifts and donations to the poor, TB Joshua was seen daily dolling out bags of rice to indigent people.
Cameroonian newspapers which published the communiqué last week, had tales of hundreds of Cameroonians who sold their properties or borrowed money in the hope of getting miracles in TB Joshua’s church, only to be disappointed in Lagos.
The newspapers reported that Joshua’s TV station had gained popularity in Cameroon and many people were tempted to take the trip and receive healings and sudden blessings.
The papers noted that Joshua was now in many households in Cameroon and many people believed the flashy images they watched on television. One newspaper wrote in French: “Witnesses who come back from that pandemonium reveal that to secure an appointment with this Jesus-Christ-reincarnate, they had to spend 150 000 FCA (about N50 000) and the amount keeps going up, depending on the treatment and the case.
“This has led to confusion and disillusionment from Cameroonians, who on their way to Damascus, now find themselves refugees at the Cameroonian Embassy in Lagos.”
TB Joshua recently prophecied the death of the late Malawian President, Bingu wa Mutharika, who suffered a heart attack. Wa Mutha-rika’s death came days after TB Joshua predicted the death of a nation’s president.
In Zimbabwe, Zanu PF officials also appear very uncomfortable with the prophet’s prophecies. Zanu-PF legislator for Tsholotsho North, Jonathan Moyo, accused TB Joshua of being part of the conspiracy in the death of President wa Mutharika. He alleged that wa Mutharika had been killed by his enemies who used TB Joshua’s pronouncement to divert attention from them.
Recent State media reports insinuated that TB Joshua might not be allowed to enter Zimbabwe. This followed reports that the popular prophet intended to visit the country.
But many of TB Joshua’s predictions have come true. He has accurately predicted the death of Michael Jackson and the Polish plane crash, among other prophecies.